Interview with @proseability

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1. What's your name?

I go by Elisa on Wattpad.

2. Why did you start writing and when?

I started writing in, like, second grade. In my opinion, the things I wrote back them couldn't compare to chunks of dirt. I looked back once in 6th grade to a story I entered for a writing contest and if I hadn't known better, I would describe it as a cliche, banal story written by a three year old who obsessed over princesses. I started writing because it was fun for myself. For some reason, I liked making up fictional characters and setting up their feelings and life for them.

3. Which books are you currently writing?

As of this moment, I am writing a book called Escaped (it's on my page) and this other book that I took down from Wattpad called Perfection.


4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

Well, it depends in which aspect you're talking about. In the world's view, I am unnoticed. In my house, I am famous. In my three year old cousin's eyes, I'm old. In the guitar department, I am new. But since this is a wattpad interview, I'm assuming you're asking my status on wattpad. I consider myself still unnoticed. Well, in relativity to the 50,000-followers-1-million-reads-on-a-book kind of author here.

(A/N: Wow, brilliant answer!)

5. Who's your favorite author (up to five if you'd like)?

On Wattpad? Hmm, most of the authors I like are the people who I follow. I'm going to be honest: I haven't read too many books here. I've read and finished about four. And I'm reading about six. So i don't want to choose a favorite author when I haven't really had a lot of experience, you know what i'm saying? I love a lot of authors on here, but I don't want to pick a favorite one (or five) just yet.

6. What's your favorite story?

Out of the ones I've finished (to be exact, 4 XD) I would say 'The Quirky tale of april hale.' I really loved the comedy and the originality to it. Out of the ones I'm reading, (5) I would go with, um, actually, I don't know. I don't think I've found the right story on Wattpad for me yet, so i'll keep searching. :)

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

I thought it would be a fun experience. I saw many famous wattpadders being interviewed and I really wanted to be. and then you came along! :3

(A/N: Yess! I got to interview one of my favorite authors first!)

8. How old are you?

Currently, i am 13. Just turned it last week! :)

9. Favorite color?

Hmm, do I have to choose? I like all colors.

10. Favorite song?

This is so hard. I personally love music so much. I don't know how I can choose one song and pronounce it my favorite. But if I had to choose - if I was stuck dangling above a lava pit with my brother dangling next to me, and if I didn't say my favorite song we would both die - I would go with Human by Christina Perri. It's such a beautiful song. But right now, as I am sitting behind my laptop screen typing this very answer, I have 2 songs stuck in my head: The other side (jason derulo) and La la la (Naughty Boy). Okay, I'll go with Human as my current favorite song, but only if the lava scenario occurs. XD But seriously, I like too many songs that i cant keep count.

11. Favorite book outside of Wattpad?

Usually if anyone asks me, I say Divergent, but secretly I am just waiting for a new dystopian book to come and drag me into it. But Divergent is a good book. :)

(A/N: Try Uglies. My younger cousin liked it a lot.)

12. Do you like in America or somewhere else?


13. Ha, ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating 500 celebrities?

Ha, ha, single. I would go with the latter but I'm pretty sure 500 is too big of a number for me.

14. Favorite movie?

Frozen <3 Okay, that's not my favorite movie. I don't have a favorite movie, sorry! I just named the movie I am currently craving to watch again.

15. Favorite show?

Um, sometimes the Big bang theory, sometimes Himym. Argh, honestly, I don't know. Most of my friends are addicted to this show called Twisted but I never tried watching it. im not that addicted to a show as I am to wattpad or youtube, to be honest. XD i used to be addicted to a bunch of shows on netflix until my netflix account was deleted :(

16. Genres? Topics?

My favorite genres range. I usually am fine with the book if it's well written and captivating, no matter the genre. but usually I would pick out a dystopian book, science fiction, or romance+comedy.

17. Anything else?

I like food. XD okay, i don't really know what else to say. um, let me think of something off the top of my head. ooh, got it! i like to sing.

18. What inspired you to write?

Myself. In the beginning, I wrote for myself.

19. Any advice?

Yes, for aspiring writers: Don't quit writing just because your book's not popular. if you enjoy it, that's enough. You don't have to be famous to indulge in something. for example, say you made an original dessert recipe that you love to eat. dont quit eating it just because it's unknown to others. who knows? maybe someone will discover you. But that's only if you don't lose your sense of conviction. so believe in yourself. in order for others to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first. (whoo points for improvisation! but seriously guys, dont stop. dont let other people direct your life for you.)

20. Do you wish to be published?

i would write a long response like I did for the other questions, but let me make this short and concise, partly because i dont know how to explain myself and partly because my fingers are getting tired of typing:

Hell, yeah!

A Wattpadian World: Author Interviewsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن