Interview with @Fluffy_Mustache

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1. What's your name?

My birth name is Katherine, but I prefer Katie. Katherine is too proper a name for me.

2. Why did you start writing and when?

I actually don't remember why I started writing, but I've been writing since a very young age, probably like 7 or 8 years old.

3. Which books are you currently writing?

I am currently writing Elemental Misfits. I don't write write more than one book at a time, unless I have a really good idea or have writers block.

4. Are you famous, unnoticed, old, or new?

I've been on wattpad for about a year, but i just recently started publishing my stories on wattpad. So I'd say I'm unnoticed and fairly new when it comes to publishing stories on wattpad.

5. Who're your favorite authors on either Wattpad or outside? Up to five if you'd like!

J.K Rowing and Rick Riordan are my favorite authors outside of wattpad. My favorite writer on wattpad is MLB998

6. What's your favorite story outside of the Wattpadian world?

That is such a hard question, but I have to say Harry Potter.

7. Why did you want to be interviewed?

So my followers and other people on wattpad will know more about me.

8. How old are you?

I am currently 13 and will be 14 in about four days.

(A/N: Happy early birthday!)

9. Favorite color?


10. Favorite song?

Gotta Be Somebody by Nickleback

11. Favorite book inside Wattpad?

Secret Wings

12. Do you live in America or somewhere else?

I live in America, though I'm not going to say where in America.

13. Ha ha, single? Taken? Mentally dating about --oh-- 500 celebrities?

Single and proud. TBH, I'm just not interested in dating.

14. Favorite movie?

Can I pick two? I'm gonna pick two. Despicible me and the Incredibles.

15. Favorite show?

I'm gonna pick two for this question also. The Middle and The Big Band Theory.

16. Fav. genres or topics?

My favorite genre of books is fantasy and my favorite genre of music is soft rock.

17. Anything else?

No. Not really.

18. What inspired you to write?

All the cool writing assignments that various teachers would give me.

19. Any advice?

Don't get upset if a few people don't like your stories. Haters gonna hate.

20. Do you wish to be published?

Of course, Isn't that what every writer strives for? Doesn't every writer want their story noticed and praised? Don't get me wrong, I write because i enjoy it, but I would still like at least a little bit of praise.

21. How'd you find Wattpad?

I was in a writing club and people were talking about wattpad and wanted to know if I had one. It seemed cool, so made an account that night.

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