Chapter Twelve(v2)

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            “Cedric?” Jack called. “Cedric, can you hear me?”

            Cedric managed a nod.

            “Good. Cedric, I need you to swallow this pill. It will make you better. Open your mouth please.”

            Cedric did, and felt Jack place a small pebble on his tongue. He obeyed Jack’s request and swallowed it.

            “That should make him more lucid in an hour or so.”

            Soft talking ensued.

            “No, I’ll wait if you don’t mind.”

            Cedric’s mind was adrift once again.

            “Cedric.” Someone called. He touched Cedric’s face. “How are you?”

            Cedric groaned.

            “How does your ankle feel?”

            “Like hell.” Cedric grinned to himself and opened his eyes. Deep blue pools stared at him, concern in their depths. “Lance?”

            Lance nodded.

            “Jack will be mad that you’re here.”

            “He already knows. And he’s already mad enough with all the meddling I’ve done.”

            “What are you doing here?”

            “I slipped some medicine to you. I also have some news to tell you.”

            Cedric immediately sat up. “What?”

            “Why don’t you tell Jack that you’re feeling better first.” Lance proposed. “Besides, this piece of information concerns you both.”    

            Cedric frowned, but instead of arguing he called Jack. “Jack, come down!” he yelled.

            After a few moments Cedric could hear Jack’s footsteps descend the stairs before he saw Jack. As Jack appraised Cedric, there was a look of not exactly happiness, but relief that crossed his face. Obviously he had been worried about Cedric, though his reaction was limited.

            “How long have I been out?” Cedric asked suddenly.

            “Quite some time.” Was Jack’s short reply.

            “But how long?”

            Jack shrugged.

            Lance cleared his throat, and his eyes flicked to Jack before he began. “Now that everyone’s alright, I have something important to inform you two of.” Lance looked around before he continued. “You need to leave right now. If you stay any longer they’ll catch you without a doubt.”

            “That’s what we’re planning to do already.” Jack practically rolled his eyes in his voice. “We’ll leave as soon as Cedric’s ankle heals.”

            “You don’t understand me.” Lance tried to explain. “I mean you need to leave now. They…” Lance paused. “We…have narrowed down the houses that you could be staying in. Obviously this is one of them.”

            “Why didn’t you lead them away?” Jack asked with a smirk. Obviously Jack’s suspicion of Lance hadn’t cooled.

            “Because I don’t want be found out as traitor.” Lance retorted. “They would find me without a doubt if I tried to pull something that obvious. Anyway, if I lead them away I would just be sending soldiers to innocent families that don’t know how to handle soldiers. It could lead to a dangerous situation and a disastrous ending. Anyway, in addition to soldiers constantly watching this house, they also have more soldiers than ever patrolling the border. They know you’re here, and they’re swiftly closing in on you. Not to even mention Clyde is still hunting you down. And,” Lance swallowed. “I’m here to offer my help.”

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