Transgender and Gay! What a Bargain!Part Three

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3rd time in the infirmary this year and it's only March. They should give out punch cards like, 10 hospital visits and you get 50% off one (1) sugar free jello (now made with real fruit juice and patients' tears.) I can't stand being here. It's so bright and so loud. Will's not even here today, he's doing cabin visits. It absolutely sucks. Kayla walks over to see how I'm doing, "How ya doing, Nico?" "I'm doing fine." LIES. I'm not doing well, my throat hurts and my stomach hurts, and my head is killing me. I'm not supposed to wear my binder when I'm this sick, but like I said, Will's not here. Kayla doesn't know I'm transgender, so she won't suspect I have a binder on. She'll just assume my chest is naturally flat-ish. I don't know how (almost) no one knows. My face is squishy, my hips are wide, I'm short, and I have a pretty feminine voice. Not that I'm complaining about  them not noticing. But I feel like I'm dying.

"I know you're lying, Nico." Kayla's voice snaps me back into reality.
"About what, exactly?"
"You don't fell well and I know it. Take your meds!"
I don't take the meds.
"Well then why did you even ask, Kayla?"
She looks to me and smirks, "To see if you're a liar."
"You already know I'm a liar. What's your game."
"If you don't start giving me real answers, I'll will about how you're not being very helpful."
"Ugh. Fine. What?"
"I heard a rumor you were a girl," "What?"
"And I wanted to see if you needed help. I'm a trans girl, too. I understand." Oh. She thinks I'm mtf. That's good, I guess. I smile at her, "Gods, Kayla, I really appreciate it, however, I'm good. Don't tell anyone, but I'm ftm. Not mtf."
She smiles at me, "Oh! Good for you! So's Will!" A look of realization spreads across her face. "Shit. I wasn't supposed to say that. If you tell anyone," she got very close to my face, "I will kill you." Many thoughts flash through my head.
1. She thinks she has the ability to kill me?
2. I know Will's transgender. It tore him apart to tell me. The next week I told him I was, too, and he got so excited! It was adorable, his face lit up and his eyes got wide and he started talking about how much he loved me and how he would love me no matter what obviously and...... Sorry, I got off topic.
3. Give me some personal space, girl!
I said all of this (minus the jabber about Will,) and she nodded.
I start to get up. "Nope!" Kayla pushes me back on to the hospital bed. "You will stay here until you're healed! Doctor's orders! Oh gods I sound like will."
"It's fine, I'll stay. For now, at least."
She peers at me gratefully. "Now take your medication, idiot!"

AN; This was a lot of fun to write, seeing as I'm a trans person named Nico. Similarities everywhere!

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