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Will was excited. Today was his pre-Olympics photo shoot. He was a very good archer and he made it into the Olympics! He could hardly believe it.

Will arrived at the photo place (he didn't know the official name), bow in hand. He walked in and noticed the strong scent of lavender.

"Right this way." Said a short, pale man. He looked excited, but like he was trying to remain professional. He, like everyone there, was wearing a waistcoat. "My name is Nico. I'll be helping with your pictures today."

Nico led him back into a room filled with lights and cameras. "Please stand here, Mr. Solace." He pronounced it 'soul-lass'

"Um," Will said, feeling slightly silly that it mattered to him, "It's Solace." Saw-less.

"Hmm." Nico shrugged and walked over to one of the cameras.

"Oh. My. God." Will heard a shrill voice exclaim. "Is that Will Solace?" The group of teenagers got closer. He couldn't hang out in an alley behind a studio without drawing attention. All he wanted to do was have a post photo shoot snack in an alley.

"No." Will said. "My name is Albert. Albert shoestring."

One of the girls laughed. "You're so funny!"

Will was not at all ashamed to admit he was afraid of teenagers. They were creepy. Even when he was a teen, he spent all his time on the range. Will tried the door back into the studio, but it was locked. Who would lock him out of his own photo shoot? Not to be conceited, but he was fabulous. The teens moved closer.

"Hey, get out of here!" Will heard Nico shout. The teenagers rolled their eyes, but left. Nico was standing behind Will, a cigarette in hand.

"You shouldn't smoke." Will said.

"I don't." Nico retorted.

"Um, yeah. Why else would you have a cigarette?"

"I'm an artist, Solace. We all either smoke or pretend to. You're not better just because you're a model. Get off your high horse." Nico scoffed and rolled his eyes. Nico thought he was a model?

"I'm not a model." Will said confusedly. Nico raised an eyebrow and looked him up and down.

"Really? You expect me to believe that an incredibly attractive guy who literally had his photo taken for a magazine today, isn't a model."

"No. I'm an archer. I'm going to the Olympics this summer and they wanted to take my picture. Apparently I'm the first gay archer to compete." Will paused. "You think I'm attractive."

"Honey," Nico said, "I'm not blind."

"Oh, so you aren't gay, then."

"I'm gay. I'm a photographer in Brooklyn. I have a generic alien pin on my backpack. I wear nothing but black converse. I'm a white guy on Vine. I shave my legs. My phone case is a sparkly rainbow flag. But yeah, I'm straight. Good observational skills!"

"Well," Will said pointedly, "To be fair, I can't see your legs and I didn't know you were on Vine."

"Still, the other things."

"Why do those kids listen to you?" Will changed the subject.

"I scare them."

"Okay..... Why?"

Nico smiled maliciously. "You'll find out. Thursday night, if you want."

"I'm in. I'll call you."

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