thirty nine

936 68 5

curlyholmes sent a photo.

curlyholmes sent a photo.

curlyholmes sent a photo.

curlyholmes sent a photo.

curlyholmes: that's how i'm doing.

johnnyboy: i thought your mom took care of them.

curlyholmes: off of school property she did. they follow me home now.

johnnyboy: how have your parents not noticed yet?

curlyholmes: i have become the master of make up.

johnnyboy: is that why i didn't see them when we skyped?

curlyholmes: yes and no.

johnnyboy: ??

curlyholmes: i only had a small black eye then and the pictures i just sent were from yesterday.

johnnyboy: if anything starts to swell, ice it.

curlyholmes: i know.

johnnyboy is typing...

johnnyboy: were you serious about prom?

curlyholmes: depends if you still want me to come down for it.

johnnyboy: of course i do

curlyholmes: then it's a yes:)

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