twenty one

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mhooper: where's your science fair?

curlyholmes: some where in cambridge, why?

mhooper: the championships are in cambridge

curlyholmes: rugby championships?

mhooper: yeah

curlyholmes: so john's going to be there?

mhooper: yes!

curlyholmes: are you serious?!

mhooper: yes i'm serious!


curlyholmes: my science fair is in cambridge, the same time as your game.

grahmcracker: wait, are you serious?

curlyholmes: yes!

curlyholmes: i'll be able to see john, right?

grahmcracker: of course. when will you be getting there?

curlyholmes: thursday, but i leave saturday night.

grahmcracker: we get there friday and leave sunday. our game is on saturaday.

curlyholmes: what time?

grahmcracker: 11 but afterwards we have a team dinner.

curlyholmes: send me the info about the game and i'll try to be there.

grahmcracker: i can sneak you into dinner too. we should be leaving around four for dinner.

curlyholmes: my bus leaves at seven, so that works out.

curlyholmes: don't tell john about it tho, i want it to be a surprise

grahmcracker: yeah, of course. he'll be really happy to see you, he's been having a really bad time lately.

curlyholmes: good:)

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