twenty six

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john sat at the breakfast table, stirring his cereal. he didn't get any sleep after he got mycroft's email. he felt his foster parent's eyes on him from the kitchen and was relived when they stopped staring and finally asked what was wrong.

"you alright, john?" marie asked, sitting in the chair next to him.

john sighed and set his spoon down. "sherlock is in the hospital. he's getting bullied, tried to kill himself." he looked up at his foster mother to see her face in total shock.

"do you want us to move the trip up?" sean asked, stading behind marie. "we can. we know how much he means to you."

john shook his head. "his brother threated me if i went down there and his brother is a very, very powerful man."

"you can stay home today, if you'd like." sean said. "we'll be at work, but you'll be fine by yourself, right?"

john nodded. "thank, sean."

"no problem," he gave him a timid smile.

"i'll stop by on my lunch break, bring you something." marie offered.

john stood from his chair. "yeah. sounds good." he said and picked his bowl up. he set it in the sink then walked back up stairs, going into his room and locking himself in there. he laid down in bed again, pulling the covers over himself, grabbing his phone off it's charger.

johnnyboy: i miss talking with you.

johnnyboy: it's only been a day and i miss talking with you. i'm laughing at my self because it's so pathetic.

johnnyboy: i really do miss you tho

johnnyboy: i miss your bad jokes. i miss you spamming my phone and the pictures you'd send me of you.

johnnyboy: i want to see you. i really do, trust me.

johnnyboy: your brother said if i visited you, he'd send me back.

johnnyboy: my foster parents planned a trip next week for us to stay up there. it was going to be a surprise, but you're in a coma so i guess it doesn't work out.

johnnyboy: mycroft said he'll send me updates every day.

johnnyboy: i wish you would have told me about the bullying. none of this would have happened if you'd just talk to me instead of keeping things to yourself.

johnnyboy: it makes me feel like a bad boyfriend.

johnnyboy: i mean, you never talked to me before.

johnnyboy: this feels like a one sided relationship and not because you're in a coma.

johnnyboy: idk what you want to do because you can't answer, so i'm just going to wait until you wake up to ask.

johnnyboy: i'll stop texting too.

johnnyboy: bye.

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