thirty one

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johnnyboy: how's school?

curlyholmes: dull.

johnnyboy: sounds like some one is having the time of their life

curlyholmes: you know it!!!

johnnyboy: three exclamtions? something's wrong.

curlyholmes: they saw my lock screen of you and now they're making a big deal out of it.

johnnyboy: a good big deal or bad?

curlyholmes: what do you think?

johnnyboy: how about we go see a movie after you get out of school? anything you want.

sherlock smiled down and his phone, but his smile slowly turned into a frown as he noticed the feet of lee and allen. "what do you two want?" sherlock asked as he looked up at them, holding his phone tightly.

"texting you're boyfriend?" allen asked teasingly, grinning. "how's a freak like you got some one like john watson?"

every one knew who john was. he's doing a summer rugby program with england's national team after he graduates, which is this summer, then he'll decided if he wants to do full training. he's supposed to be as good as owen farrell, and there are a few news stories about it. ever since lee snatched his phone and saw the picture of john set as his lock screen, every one was back to making fun of him.

"he won't answer." lee said. "too much of a pussy because he's scared the truth will come out."

"he is my boyfriend." sherlock defended, only making the situation worse for him.

"oh i'm sure. just like how beyonce is my girlfriend." lee said, getting a laugh out of the boy next to him.

sherlock ignored him and tucked his phone safely into his pocket as he stood up from the table he was sitting at. he went to pick up his bag but allen grabbed it before he could. sherlock sighed, "give me it."

"where's your phone, fag?" allen asked as he went through sherlock's book bag, dumping everything out.

sherlock stood there and watched them, knowing he couldn't do anything about it. he was like the poor little, weak gazel and the two idiotic boys in front of him were the lions, lurking for prey.

"i think it's in his pocket." lee said and looked at the pale boy.

allen dropped the book bag and grinned, taking a step closer. "i think you might be right."

sherlock stepped back, but ended falling back instead as allen's fist collided with his face. he laid on the ground, helpless, as the boys checked all of his pockets, laughing once they found his phone. sherlock was smart and put his phone on do not disturb so that they wouldn't see the messages of john, but they could still see the picture of john as his lock screen. john changed it so that sherlock could look at it if he was feeling a bit down, not for pricks like lee and allen to show the entire school and get them all to believe that sherlock was just fantasizing. once the last bell rang, allen dropped sherlock's phone on the ground next to him and once he knew they were gone, he sat up and started to put his things back into his bag. he went to check his phone and noticed it was disabled for the next thirty minutes. he put the phone back into his pocket and continued to put his books back into his bag, standing up again. he always sat at the end of the library where no one else sat, but he was still able to find. the librarian couldn't see the table because it was hidden slightly, so it made the perfect place for sherlock to get beat up. the boy went out to the corridor then to the toilets, checking his face in the mirror. there was slight bruising on his cheek and his lip was slit, but nothing bad. he checked his phone again:

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