chapter 36

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me : heyyyy i'm beautiful and this house is beautiful beautiful plus beautiful equals gorgeous so fuck off moi while i fix my insta feed

me : ok this bitch is dying on my hands
john : yea no kidding
john : hey hey we'll get jayden back plus jayden is jayden she can handle herself i bet right now she's beating the crap out of whos infront of her

i closed my eyes letting a loud sigh escape my lips, i know i can find jayden in like 1h but this bitch needs to learn that she can't mess with me or my friends like hoe go get yourself a life da fuck.

i snap out of my thoughts as soon as i heard my phone's text notif sound i pull my phone and open the message and oh its from who ? oh right that fucked ass girl.

nadia : ya want jayden back
me : what do you want
nadia : meet me where it all started and don't tell john
me : coming.

me : john i need to go
john : what where
me : something about my car insurance or i don't know i'll be back as fast as i can okay , find lauren and call dani and tell him i asked him to do something for me he'll understand once ya tell him what happened okay.

i said while jumping off bed picking a random white dress and slip on one of my heels
john : um okay just be back fast
me : i will i promise i love you
john : i love you too
i kissed him and took my phone and my car keys and went downstairs fast opening the front door and going to my car , let's see what this bitch wants.

after 20min drive i finally arrived to where it all started, i slipped a tear hesitating what i'm about to do i walk into that old door and walked slowly getting closer to my sister's grave.

i smiled at the thought of her smile and looked around , i noticed a white box at the corner i walked towords it and opened it slowly revealing two other boxes each one of them had a number on it i picked the pink one with the number one on it , i opened it revealing a white paper with something written on it.

1- breaking up
break up with john and put this small speaker on while doing it , you can't tell him why and don't try to play games you know i have eyes everywhere.
if you don't do it then good luck with seeing jayden if you do do it come back here and take your prize.

horny bitch.i rolled my eyes and threw the paper i opened the other box and found a box of medicine it looks like the one the doc gave it to me , i pulled it out and woop it is the one the doc gave it to me , i looked over and saw another white paper i picked it up and read the little note on it.

oh and btw here's your real medicine, hope mine helped with yo headaches.

i ripped the paper in half and stood up angirly getting out of this place and heading towards my car, you want me to break up with john?the only person who makes me happy ah hell no bitch you may be smart but let's not forget one thing i'm mackenzie ziegler and i don't follow orders i make them so go crawl back to whatever hole you came out from nadia turner.

yeshh i just stole voranicas line in riverdale wooops.

john's pov

i called dani just like kenz told me to and he told me that jay had a tracker on her i wonder if i have a one i snapped out of my thoughts once kenz opened the door and got in i stood up and walked over to her to kiss her when she backed off.

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