chapter 8

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i woke up and realize it's friday yes its the day of the dance let me tell u what have been up well first i finished all the olaning for the dance i bought my dress and mark asked me to be his date for the dance hayden and lauren are getting so close and they are literally couple goals same goes for john and nadia i have been breaking a lot of stuff lately caus eof john everytime i see them togther i come back hoem and break a thung ofc i wont hurt myself cause a princess needs to be always perfect anyway me and cree and jayden and lauren are so close now its like we have a group to ourselves and maddie and sophia are super close john and me have been close as best friends and everything is going great except the fact that john is with nadia thats it
anyway i woke up done my usual thing shower eat dress get ready and go to school i got to school and wlaked to the squad
me : sup babe's
jayden : hey kenz
lauren : so we have good news
me : oh what is it
jayden : my mom finally told me i can be in your squad
me : omg thats so amazing how about we tell everyone
bryn : sure why not
i took a photo of all of us (john,carson,hayden,me,jayden,lauren,bryn) and posted it on isnta with the caption

caption: look who joined the squad 😘:)

then we all went to class and school skipped so fast today i walked out of the doors and walked up to jayden and lauren they were coming over cause were getting ready for the dance at my house everything is prepared there dresses everything is in my house so we just drove straight there
me : well its 2pm and we aint strating to get ready until 7pm so we have time what do u wanne do
jayden : how about eat
lauren : then swim
me : then netflix?
jayden and lauren : yesss
me : great what do you wanne eat
lauren : umm pizza
jayden : sushi
me : since today is prom and there is only one week until school lets treat ourselves how about we invite some of the squad
lauren : please not bryn and carson
me : yea they are annoying
jayden : yep
me : john and hayden?
lauren : i'll text hayden
me : i'll text john

(text conv)

princess: hey john
prince : hey kenz
princess: come over at ma house now
prince : should u bring nadia?
princess: no
prince: ok i'll pick up hayden and come over
princess: k great see ya , and dont eat anything were going to eat togther
prince : k see ya

(end of conv)

me : i texted john he told me he'll pick up hayden and come
jayden : they better hurry im hungry
lauren : yea me too
me : hey let me tell cree and thomas to come
lauren : yes sure

(text conv)

kenzieboo : hey kiki , come iver at my place you and thomas were the quad are having a dinner togther
kiki : sure comjng after i finish this scene you can start without us
kenzieboo : ok but try to come fast
kiki : kk bye
kenzieboo : bye

(end of conv)

me : i texted her she said she just have to finish a scene then they'll come she said we can start without her
lauren :yea but we still have to wait fir the boys
then the doorbell rang
me : i guess they are here
i went to open the door and saw john and hayden i hugged then both cause thats how we do itthey waked in and sat on the couch
lauren : so who's excited for prom
me : i'm so excited we're finally graduating and going to college
john : yea im sick of school
jayden : ikr
me : so were are y'all going to college
everyone : harvard
everyone: OMG
me : omg were all going to the same college
lauren : yesssss thank god i couldn't leave you guys
jayden : yea
hayden : who are we waiting im hungry
me : oh tree is coming but they said start without us so were good
lauren : so what do we order
jayden : we have sushi , pizza ,italian,um idk everything
me : how about we order from every restaurant one thing and treat ourselves
john : sounds good to me
hayden : great cause im in the mood for everything
jayden : well come on kenz me and you will order while you the rest arrange the table and everything
everyone: ok
after 15min of calling a lot if returants we came out seeing them done arranging the table
me : the table looks great
jayden : we ordered the food its gone take at least half an hour
me : at least tree we'll be here
john : wait i'll text thomas
after 10min john looked up from his phont
john : he is coming rn
me : good
after a couple of mins the doorbell rang and it was tree we said hi and that stuff then the food came we all ate then when i finished eating i was sitting down at the table when john threw a spaghetti on me
john : oh come on you'll take a shower later

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