chapter 33

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(important read pls ,guys i mistaked in chapter 32 her name is juan roden not logan obviously so yea just wanted to make sure yall remmber that.)———————————————————————————
me : owwwwwww
jay : hehehe
me : holy crap where the fuck did that come from.

i was at the interview set and kyle martin was asking me questions
kylie : i'm going to ask you 10 questions from fans
me : ok
kylie : how did you feel when you first heard you were nominated for the vma's
me : shook like a lot its surprising i'm still making my voice and all these great things are happening all i can be is shook
kylie : well you have an amazing voice
me : thank you
kylie : @karamais says what is the deal with you and johnny
me : wow uh me and johny john is the best of the best he's always there for me and i appreciate and love him we don't know about jenzie but its still up there

kylie : so did you actually break up
me : yes and we're still broken up
kylie : why
me : very private information but it's definitely not what nadia said because that selfish bitch only lies
kylie : selfiish bitch ? i thought you two were friends
me : we were until she fell in love with my boyfriend and wouldn't let him go
kylie : wow um so @lydiaswbu says are you releasing any albums soon ?
me : i am definitely working on something idk when its gonna be done or when its gonna be released but yea i'm working
kylie : now one of the big questions i have been meaning to ask how the hell are you doing after the accident

me : i'm great nothing stands in the way of mackenzie ziegler
kylie : yes not even a truck but seriously how was it
me : well it wasn't so bad i mean everyone goes through hard stuff even celebrates this was nothing all my friends were helping me and that was enough
kylie : well we're here for you too
me : aw
kylie : @kenzswaffles ask how did that stage slip make you feel
me : oh god that slip i was just looking at like the crowd and then i back stepped and almost fell
kylie : and ofc john orlando there to rescue
me : sure

kylie : nice bracelet you have there
me : ahw thank you
kylie : it says alena?
me : ariana
kylie : as in ariana grande
me : as in ariana ziegler
kylie : ow i'm sor-
me : its okay
kylie : ok moving on so how has your tour been going....

*30mins later *
i was in my car i picked up food wine snacks everything and went to the house
jay : finally
john : FOOD
me : you know its not ready right
jay : bitch
me : i brought you cookies to eat until we finish dinner
john : give me
i gave them the cookies and put my stuff on the counter
me : so when are laur and mads coming
jay : their plane leaves in two hours
me : perfect
john : how was the interview
me : good i guess although since when they ask you what you feel like dude fuck off
john : its called an interview kenz to interview you
me : rlly didnt know
john : so what are we making
me : steak
jay : MHMMMM
john : and the only thing you know about that is that it needs meet
jay : oh no she makes perfect steak
john : what
me : yes you dont know a lot about me like i thought orlando
john : a lazy ass bitch yea a cooking mom nope

me : first of all call me mom again and the next thing you'll know there is a stick up your ass and second i cook better then your mom you should be glad to have me as a wife
john : oh trust me i am
i smiled and started preparing to cook
jay : ok other than the fact that you two are gtting married uh kenzie
me : yea
jay : do you know this girl
i turned my face around and looked at the girl she's talking about once i saw i back stepped on john's leg and hit his chest
john : hey careful
me : thats wait thats the girl me and mads you know killed and it says she posted two DAYS AGO

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