chapter 23

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john : who's she?
me : i dont know i was just trying to be dramatic
john : dude
jay : maybe she doesn't know but i do
me : know who
john : who's the person
me : nadia who else
jay : do u actually think its nadia
me : well yea are u even rethinking
john : yea probably nadia
jay : ok everything nadia but i don't think the accident is nadia
me : well i do and i'm too busy for her shit right now
john : who's car is that
me : what car
jay : yea the one thats parked outside ur house
me : we're about to find out
i walked out of the car and into my house and i found my mom and dad sitting on that couch
me : did i miss something?
mom : ur dad is staying with us
me : um no he is not
dad : kenzie i'm
me : shove it
mom : talk nicely to ur dad
me : like father like daughter mom i learned from the best
jay : ohh dam that was hard
i turned around looking at jayden she was laughing the moment i looked at her she faced the ground i turned my face back to my parents
me : u forgot to ask
mom : u bring people here all the time without asking me why should i even ask u for ur opinion
me : oh believe me if he was a stranger i would've let him stay
mads : kenz stop sassing and hear the full story
me : what now
mads : u two are going on tour
me : yea i know
mads : no honey ur going tomorrow
john : u had to ruin the surprise
me : wait you knew
john : i'm the one who convinced them to go tomorrow
jay : i'm coming right
me : ur still asking?
then i got a phone call lets not say who is the person

*phone conv *

me : what
caller : ur gonna meet me now
me : honey no crawl back to the hole you came out from
caller : kenz our place in an hour come or you know what'll happen
me : whatever you motherfucker

*end phone call*

jay : who was that
me : and that would be none of ur guys dam business
mads : rude much
me : talk much
mom : just go pack sweetie
me : wow now were going with sweetie
mom : kenzie
me : ok MAMI
john : don't mind her
jay : well ama go pack
john : same here bye babe
me : bye
i gave him a quick kiss on the lips him and jay left and i went to my room to pack after i finished i started doing my hair then mads came in the room
mads : so who was it ?
me : ur still asking ?
mads : egh her again
me : does she ever leave
mads : gotta ask that to the hole she came out from
me : yea well wish dirt could talk
mads : one of the weirdest things to hear
me : yea
mads : at least you'll relax for a week
me : sure u can call it that
mads : why
me : cause now john won't shut the hell up unless he knows who called me i saw his look in his eyes when i ended that call
mads : just tell him he's ur boyfriend
me : yea and the best i had u rlly want me to tell him and make him run away
mads : bitch he knows half story just tell him full he's john he loves u
me : yea well trust love idc if i'm telling him not now cause its gonna ruin the whole week for us
mads : yea
me : did u pack
mads : like two days ago
me : u knew since then?
mads : john told me to keep it a surprise
me : ofc he did
mads : so how are you guys
me : he bought me a house "i said while putting mascara on"
mads : say what now
me : yea after i got out of the hospital he took me to a house and told me this is ours
mads : so thats where u went last night
me : yep and trust me floors aren't comfy
mads : for sleeping
me : lets call it that
mads : oh god even sex on the floor
me : honey u dont know him when it comes to sex
mads : noticed
me : so u and jack
mads : pretty great
me : u guys are adorable get married already
mads : kenz i'm 20 not 30
me : ur planing on getting married on 30?
mads : no but not 20 ofc
me : anyway gotta go byeee
i took the car and met this crazy bitch after i finished with her i headed home finished packing watched some stuff and sat on my bed it was like 10pm and then i got a phone call from my doctor

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