chapter 15

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jayden's pov
after i saw her screams the pain she got in the shit she just went through i just wanted to let her be a real angel it hurts her bad and it hurts me more thinking of letting her go but she needs to go to be a real pure angel , i looked at john seeing him covered in her blood shooked i walked over to him and just gave him a big hug that everyone needs right now she is suffering more than we are ,i know john is thinking of letting her go but he will never do it its hard to know you can help her pain but helping her would be letting go and no one is even thinking of that right now .

john's pov
after waiting for an hour or two the doc came out we all ran to him asking him about kenz
doc : she is okay for now she is breathing on her own but she is having brain attacks that will cause bleeding she may forget and she may remmber we can't promise you anything
me : oh thank god
lauren :well no completely BUT YES SHE IS FINE
doc : you can't see the patient unless through glass we can't let her near anyone right now she wakes up and then goes back we still dont know her issue
maddie : ok thanks doctor
the doctor left i just sat on the chair waiting for her to wake up and i slept without noticing
*4 hours later*
maddie : johny wake up
john : did she wake up
maddie : no its 10pm come on you go home i'll stay here with her
john : i'm staying her if u wanne stay with me its your choice
maddie : ok well lauren brang you some cloths go change yours they are filled with blood
me : no i want her blood on me
maddie : johny
me : maddie i'm not changing or leaving until my princess wakes up
maddie: ok
me : can i ask you a question?
maddie : sure
me : when i asked the doctor about kenzie this morning he said she is not fine cause she had old accidents and this affected on her
maddie : whatt no way
me : did kenz have any other accidents
maddie : um no why would she ofc not kenz is all pure
she said it fast i know maddie when she is lying there is something wrong going on
me : maddie i know your lying
maddie : john why would i lie to you she never had an accident before ok end of conv.
me : ok i guess
i pulled out my phone and opened my instgram saw a bunch of massges and comments about how is kenz i just ignored and scrolled down until i saw a pic of kenz smiling that cute smile i looked at it for mins and closed my phone finiding maddie half asleep
john : time to see my princess
i whispered and went to kenz's room opened the door and sat on the chair next to her bed
john : hey princess, i miss you baby i miss your smile please wake up i can't wait anymore knowing i can lose you or that i see your lips but i can't smash them against mine i love you princess i love you.

* morning * /maddie's pov

i woke up sitting on the hospital chair I stood up with my back hurting a little i searched for john i couldn't find him and i'm sure he went in there i ran to kenz's room and saw johny through the glass he was holding her hand and sleeping next to her they look so cute i opened the door slowly and waked him up
john : KENZ- oh its you
me : good to see you too
john : morning
me : come on its 5am lets go have breakfast you can't stay like this
john : maddie i can't leave her
me : john i dont think she will wake up any time soon lets go for a little while and we'll come back come on i'm sure you're tired like me
john : only breakfast and i'll go change and shower at home
me : ok now lets go
we went in my car and i started driving
me : so john i never got to ask u how did this happen
john : kenz was gonna take the whole group to a place it was a surprise we all stopped at a supermarket to buy some bears i got out of the car I went in the market and then I heard a loud crash i got out and saw a truck ran into my car
me : wow a truck
john : the weird thing there was no one in the truck
me : wait what
john : yea i told lauren to check if there is someone and there was no one and the police said they didn't find anyone
me : well that's weird
john : yes after kenz's health get back i'm not letting this go
me : yea it doesn't seem like an accident
john : what do you mean
me : what if someone planned it
john : who would do that
me : idk you know who are kenz's enemies
john : i can't think of any-wait wait wait
me : what
john : could it be nadia
me : no she is not that mean
john : we are talking about nadia here you saw how she came in the hospital and you saw how kenz almost killed her in school
me : WHAT
john : wait you don't know well in school we were talking then nadia laughed and suddenly kenz held her neck against the wall in anger and said "it was you"
me : whats the supposed to mean
john : i dont know she said its none of your guy's business
me : why would she say it was you 
john : you're her sister think
Me :  what did Nadia do again?
John: she just laughed
Me : oh fuck
John: what
Me : when kenz was young someone locked her in a room with a clown who tried to kill her or something like that so now every time she gets locked in a room or see a clown she freaks out and u don't need to see her she becomes really scary
John : what when the hell that happened
Me : remember three or four years ago we went for like three months and lived in Pittsburghers
John : yea
Me : it happened while we were there and my mom said don't tell anyone cause kenz rlly turns to someone we don't know
John : wow but wait what does Nadia have to do with this
Me : cause Kenz only remembers the laugh of the girl who locked her in that room
John : why would Nadia be in Pittsburghers
Me : idk
John : we need to ask Nadia
Me : well not now
John : yea lets get back to kenz now
Me : you didn't change your cloths
John: I'll just wear the shirt Lauren brought to the hospital
Me : ok lets just eat and go to the hospital

*after eating and coming back to the hospital*

John's pov

We got back I sat in the chair next to kenzie like always then I heard the door open
Lauren : who wants a frappicichino
Me : give me
Jayden : well hello ladies and gentleman kenzie I brought u your usual
Me : you know she still didn't wake up yet right
Jayden : yea but when she does I don't want her to wake up and be thirsty
Lauren : weirdo but whatever
We all looked at the door finding Cree and Thomas with balloons and chocolate and a big bear
Me : y'all I swear she didn't wake up
Thomas : we know
Cree : but when she does she can have chocolate
Jayden : BITCH
Cree : nice to see you too Jayden
Me : give me those
I put my hand on a piece of chocolate and then she slapped my hand off it
Me : ow
Cree : you're not kenzie
Jayden : more like in her
Lauren : HAHAHAH good one
Me : very funny
Maddie : what do we have here
Me : chocolate and drinks from Starbucks but we can't eat the chocolate
Maddie : such a bitch
Cree : love you too
Jayden : I'm bored y'all
me : you are at a hospital what u wanna dance
jayden : whats up with you today
lauren : johny calm down
me : how tf you expect me to calm down my whole world is depending on this girl who may and may not wake up who's suffering and i can't do anything about it
then they all gave me a hug we kept hugging for minutes until we heard someone we didn't expect to hear

"did you all miss me ".

short chapter sorry but idk what the hell to write so hope ya like it and thank you all for 9k i love u all so much and thanks you for reading love u.

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