chapter 16

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"did you all miss me"

i turned around and saw nadia
lauren : i thought it was kenz
jayden : same here
maddie : nadia you are literally the last person kenz wanna see now
nadia : i'm here for a blood test so bye
then she went to another room
me : ugh i'm gonna go get water
i went to the hallway and got water and i sat on the chair i closed my eyes for a while then i felt someone hugging me from the back
" you hell of a missed me johny boy"

kenz's pov

it was dark all over again until i was in a backyard i walked for a little when i saw a girl and my sis the girl was putting a gun against my sister's forehead i was dripping blood and i had a gun in my hand and suddenly a shot blew out but not from the girl it was from me the moment i heard that gun shot i saw a light and suddenly i saw jayden and lauren all screaming and hugging me
me : where am i
lauren : you're at the hospital you're awake kenzie
cree : choclate?
i searched the room with my eyes and johny wasn't there
me : where is johny?
maddie : outside he went to go get water
i removed the machines on my hand and got up
jayden : kenzie you should not walk right now please sit
me : i just have a little thing to do
maddie : but ken-
me : don't worry just five minutes
i walked out of the room i walked a little in the hallway and saw johny on a chair closing his eyes with a shirt thats full of blood i smiled and went over to him and hugged him
me : you hell of a missed me johny boy
he turned around slowly the second he saw my face he smiled so hard and kissed me he put his two hands on my hair and got me closer to him
john : welcome back my princess
me : i love you johny
john : i love you more
we kissed for a hell of a long time then he picked me up bridal style
john : don't dare and move from your bed again
me : if you sit with me in bed i will make sure not to move
john: you just woke up
me : well i don't care now or then you're gonna be mine soon orlando
john : we'll see ziegler

he put me on the bed and they all just looked at me and shuted up
me : is their something on my face?
lauren : just shocked you woke up in this way
me : what u wanted me to wake up like last time
no thank you
cree :i got you chocolate
me : FEED ME
cree : told yall she would want some
jay : we didn't say she dont want we said at least let us eat some
lauren : we got you your usual from starbucks
then the doctor came in
doc : you wake up and the first thing you do is eat chocolate ,really?
me : yea
he took the chocolate away from me
me : boo
doc : you have to eat healthy and drink two pills everyday
me : butt
doc : here you go your pill
me : butt
doc : pill
jay : HAHAHAH why not asspill
cree : whats an asspill
me : a pill you stick it up your butt
thomas : why
jay : only when you are little cause you're throat is small for a pill so they give it in another way
john : why cree haven't u tried it?
cree : no did you
john : everyone did
me : yep
i said while drinking my pill
thomas : weird
doc : so how are you feeling
me : okay i guess but my head hurts a little
doc : its okay try to take some rest and don't stress her out and drink water more often
me : ok
then the doctor left and john held my hand
me : johny why haven't u changed yet
john : i didn't wanna leave you
me : wow all that blood came out of me
john : kinda
me : btw where is mom
maddie : home
lauren : she came over yesterday she is coming soon we called her
me : good i guess
then my brain started hurting i squeezed john's hand rlly hard
john : kenz are you okay
i closed my eyes and tried to calm down
jay : kenzie?
lauren : johny your hand is bleeding
john : kenzie are u okay
then a tear slept down my eye john wiped it and came and sat with me in the bed
john : shsh it'll be okay
he pressed me against his soft chest i held him tightly he kept playing with my hair until the pain stopped
lauren : i think we should leave
thomas : yea lets leave them alone
they all went out of the room i just layed my head on his chest and kept my eyes closed until i fell asleep
*three hours later *
i opened my eyes finding myself in the hospital bed all alone then johny opened the door with his hand a bowl of soup
john : morning sunshine
me : hey baby
john : how are you feeling
me : better
john : i brought you soup your mom made it
me : ew soup
john : don't worry if i feed it to you you'll definitely love it
me : ok orlando
he sat down next to me and started feeding me
me : you know when i was in a dream coma or whatever that was i dreamed of you
john : dreamed of me marrying you?having kids with you?
me : no cheating on me but sure
john : what with who
me : nadia
john : ew why her why couldn't u think of ariana grand or beyonce or jennifer
me : so if you had the chance to cheat on me with any of these three you would say yes and do it?
john : beyonce no jennifer no ariana maybe
me : jerk
john : just kidding i only know you
i pulled him closer and kissed him he removed the bowl away and sat next to me on the bed he completed kissing me then he went down to my neck and then someone opened the door it was my mom
mom : makin babies already
john : don't you want grandchildren
mom : marry her then think of fucking her
me : "step two already done" i whispered to john
mom : how are you feeling sweetie
me : better mom when am i coming out
mom : its gonna take a week or two sweetie
me : WHAT a week or two what about my tour with maddie
mom : we moved the date don't worry
me : boo
john : its still early to come out there kenz
me : yall are talking like i have a big issue just headaches
john : sure just that
mom : john i have something to talk to you about
john : coming
they got out of the room and i was all alone again

john's pov

i went out with kenz's mom i think she is gonna tell me about the whole babies thing but lets see
mom : john you can't tell kenz about the blood
john : what do you mean
mom : the headache kenz has is much more bigger than that she bleeds when she has it she just doesn't notice it if she finds out she may freak out and get stressed and lead to a bigger problem she needs to relax its just a matter of time until its gone but make sure not to let her find out and dont worry i already told the other not to tell her
john : umm okay
mom : i gotta go now take care of her
john : like she is my own eye

she left and i went back to kenz's room
kenz : so what did she want
john : about the babies thing
kenz : are we really not gonna do it
john : i can't wait more 5min
kenz : come here orlando
i came closer to her and kissed her i got on top of her and kissed her neck softly going down to unlock her bra when someone opened the door again
jay : nasty i like it
lauren : hey hey i don't wanna be an aunt anytime soon
bryn : hey kenz i brought you some snacks
kenz : awe give me
hayden : hello
kenz : hey hay
me : ha hey hay so cool
hayden : rlly dude
thomas : anyway we got a surprise for the princess
me : i'm the only one who gets to call her a princess
thomas : ok well we got a surprise for kenz
kenz : oh what is it
lauren : since you are gonna stay here for a week or two we got you a bigger room
jay : with a tv
bryn : and two couches other than your bed so we can hangout with you
jay : and we ordered the bed big so you and john can have sex on it
kenz : jayden
me : tf
kenz : but wow thank you guys
lauren : anything for you
kenz : so when can i go there
bryn : right now if you want its ready
kenz : ohh lets go lets go lets go
cree  : i'll get u a wheel chair
kenz : bitch hell nah my prince is my wheel chair
me : sure sure
i picked her up and we went to her room it was amazing it was pink and had a big tv two coushes it had ballon chocolates its like home
kenz : can i live here?
jay : bitch you live in a castle dont act poor now
kenz : wow so nice
lauren : she is right tho
kenz : eh

kenz's pov

me : ok what should we watch
cree : riverdale?
lauren : oh yea a new episode aired
me : lets do this , come here baby
john came and sat with me i hugged him and we started watching then i remmbered something omg the necklace i reached down my neck i couldn't find it i searched the room
me : nonononono
john : looking for this
then he pulled out the necklace from his pocket
me : how can you have it
john : when i brang you to the hospital before you got in the room i took off the necklace and hid it with me
me : aw thanks i would've killed myself if it got lost
john : if you have the necklace or if you lost the necklace i don't care i'll always be here whatever happens
me : i love you so much orlando
john : i love you too princess
we all cuddled in our boyfriends chests i can't be more thankful for having john in my life i love him more than anything and nothing in the world can destroy that , after we all went to sleep we all woke up just sat there talking to each other until one person a person i haven't seen in years a person i used to beg just to see him a person i always loved but had to hate a person i never wanted to see i looked shooked and only one word came out of my mouth


i always end it on a important thing
sorry but anyway i rlly hope you like this chapter and more exciting long chapters are coming soon this is going to be a good story dont worry 💕

btw omg thank you all soo much for 10k readers i love you all so much and appreciate you so much have a mice day as you are

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