Chapter Nine of My Frightening Summer

Start from the beginning

Kasey laughed, but she had an undeniable dreamy look on her face. "Hal, you’re acting as though you’ve never had a crush on a guy before!"

I didn’t bother reminding her I had only ever had one boyfriend; look how well that turned out for me.

Kasey, knowing me better than I even knew myself, slipped her arm through mine. "Is Dalton still giving you a hard time?"

I nodded. "Last time he was drunk."

Kasey bit her lip. "Do I need to come over tonight? Cause I will."

I knew she and Todd had plans tonight; Kasey’d been bragging about it all day. I shook my head. "Nah. He hasn’t really tried anything for a while. I think I’m good."

"You sure?" Kasey looked doubtful.

I knew I had to really sell it, otherwise she’d never go on her date. I didn’t want Todd hating me. Ever since our talk, Kasey had been really sensitive about the Dalton thing, making sure she was almost always had my aunt’s house. She had cancelled out on many dates already. I just couldn’t do it to her again.

"Yeah," I said. "I’m positive. You go have fun."

Kase bit her lip, but eventually nodded. "Okay, then. But if he starts anything, you call me."

I nodded. But really I was thinking of how I would love my caped Halle’s Hero to come to my rescue.

The next hour passed by in a blur. My head was a haze as the cops came, guns blazing, and took him away. My aunt Marion was crying and my uncle Tom just held her, talking dazedly to the police.

One police officer came and crouched in front of me. "Can you tell us what happened, miss?" he asked me gently.

I looked up into his eyes. He seemed so kind, even though only a few minutes ago he was shoving Dalton’s face into the dirt. But I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. He was here to help me, and right now he needed the whole story.

So I opened my mouth and explained as calmly as I could what occurred when I got home from work that same night.

Kasey seemed genuinely happy as she drove off with Todd. I was glad I didn’t make her go to my aunt’s house. It had been days, and Dalton hadn’t pulled anything. Everything was gonna be okay.

He was waiting for me when I got to the house. I didn’t see my aunt or uncle’s cars in the drive. I put my cell phone in my underwear—I had learned a long time ago not to trust pockets.

It’s fine, I told myself as I walked up to the porch. He won’t dare try anything. Not now. It’s been too long.

"What’re you doing here?" I mumbled, clutching my keys just a bit tighter.

"Your aunt and uncle went to Columbia for dinner," Dalton explained. "I offered to stay here and look out for you."

I stopped dead in my tracks, my blood running cold. Something told me he had suggested that dinner. He was up to something.

"Oh, well, I just came to get some stuff," I said, still not moving. "I’m staying the night at my friend’s house tonight. But, uh…thanks anyway."

"Come and get your stuff, then, Halle," Dalton said darkly.

I looked at him for a long minute, gauging his thoughts. When he smiled, I knew I was in trouble. I spun around and started for my car in a mad dash.

Dalton was prepared for my flight, and leaped off the porch after me. I never had been a strong runner, and he caught up to me all too quickly. I was only a few agonizing feet away from freedom when he caught me by the waist and brought me down.

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