"Trey, I will talk to you about it when you get home, ok?"

"Are you home?" he asked.

She told him she was on her way. Trey insisted after a brief pause that he would meet her there.

Emma cursed when she hung up the phone. She did not need his overbearing behind putting pressure on her already tired mind. Her hand rubbed her belly. Emma felt very much like she kept taking several steps forward to be knocked back even more than she'd gained. She wished she had a little time before Trey knew all of her problem and not just a little of it to figure out what she was going to do. But of course he was much too attentive to not attend a doctors appointment and much to professional to not call is pregnant girlfriend and make sure she'd be ready to go by the time he got home. Most of the news was fresh to her as well. She had no time, since she'd stupidly been blindly honest on the phone about the appointment, to get her groundings and formulate a plan for herself before she faced her man.

Farrah took her mind away from all that had happened in a matter of hours by entertaining her with a rendition of some Kevin Hart standup about a man and his girlfriend-discussing bedroom 'birthday specials' in front of their friends. It had been hilarious. When they pulled up to her house Emma asked Farrah if she would come back later that night. She announced that Trey was having a couple of his guy friends over for cards and they'd invited Emma since they were utilizing her spacious kitchen to do it. Emma explained that she would need a female friend and partner for spades.

"Can I bring me some weed?"

"Yeah, but you can't smoke that shit in my house."

Farrah made a face and declared that she was making no promises at all no matter how cute Trey's friends might have sounded. She hollered that she didn't like light-skinned men anyway. Emma laughed and marched up the steps. Her home was empty. Gypsy probably out securing the premises and Trey undoubtedly on his way home from H&M to demand an explanation for her canceling or allowing a doctors appointment to be cancelled just because of a little thing, to him of course, like money.

The Christmas tree was gold and purple with several light bulbs shining brightly when it was plugged in of course. Emma had apple cinnamon, pumpkin spice, and vanilla scented candle's and glade gels all about the house and it certainly smelled like the holidays. Christmas was only, after all, a few days away.

She turned on some light in the house and went upstairs to change out of her street clothes and into something more comfortable. Emma put away the few new packs of Calvin Klein underwear for her man and upped the temperature at the thermostat.

She'd just cut a pomegranate in half and was picking away at the juicy little seeds in the living room in front of the television when she saw headlights against the window even in the afternoon. She spread her towel out more carefully as to not get juice on the couch, and turned the channel to something that might grab his attention away from her.

Trey came in with his white button down open and his tie discarded. He was undoing his cuff links when he looked over at her. A quick glance around told her that he'd expected Gypsy to be home too. But the cat had his own schedule and Trey was technically early.

He greeted her with a smacking kiss to her distracted temple and sat down with a plop. "Gimme some," he demanded as a child would and Emma made him told his head back and dropped several red seeds into his mouth. He swallowed them whole after a good chew.

As soon as they were down his throat he grabbed her remote and turned the tv off. She looked at him, her mouth open and her eyebrows creased, appalled that he would just turn her tv off.


"You wasn't payin' me no attention." He looked innocent like such an explanation was not an immature one and he had not ought to be ashamed of himself. But she knew better. He wanted answers. "But while I got your attention, what happened with your health insurance?"

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