"JONA!" Nancy shrieked with joy, he had known Nan since he was a baby. She and her husband Mark had gone to school with his dad. Jona couldn't say Nancy when he was little so it came out as Nan and it stuck. She rushed to him wrapping her arms around him and kissing him all over his face, she pulled away looking at him.

"Hi Nan, what are you guys doing here?" Jona asked still in shock by being assaulted by her kisses.

"Jesus Christ, you are taller than me now! Oh, you know we come every year to see all the shows that open, sweetheart. How is it that you have grown so tall and thin since I last saw you in May! Oliver are you not feeding these poor children?" She scolded Oliver over her shoulder.

"Yes Nan, I starve my children. No, they eat like fucking sumo wrestlers, our poor housekeeper in B can barely keep food in the house." Oliver defended himself.

"Oh look at Oliver, has a housekeeper aw he's got such a hard life." Nan mocked him, putting on a pouty face.

"I will never understand how you put up with her, Mark you are a fucking saint." Oliver looked at one of his oldest friends.

"Well when you love someone that much you are willing to put up with anything." Mark said in his thick southern accent.

"That's exactly how I feel Mark." Elio laughed kissing Olivers hand.

"Jona are you going to let them gang up on your old man like this?"

"Hey, I just walked in the room you're on your own pops." Jona laughed, Oliver looked defeated.

"You both need to come to see Le Mis tonight with us, I'm sure we can get two more tickets. With all the money we have spent on tickets we should have our own wing named after us." Nan huffed taking the cupcakes from Jona.

"I think you all should go, enjoy the theatre, we will be fine here by ourselves."Jona encouraged them, setting down his case.

"Oh sweet Jesus! Have I ever told you, you are my favorite child? Don't tell your brother, he thinks he's my favorite, oh cupcakes!" Nan did a little happy dance, her thick curly hair bounced with every move she made. Jona was always amazed that such a tiny woman could command a room, she was loud and made her presents knowns. The front door had opened, Christopher and Valentina walked in. Christopher opened his arms and Nan jumped into them greeting Christopher the same way that she had Jona.

"I swear to fucking god Nan, I feed my kids. Elio don't we feed them?" Oliver fought back with her.

"Yes dear you feed them, before this summer it was clear that you fed them." Elio chuckled, he enjoyed Nan being around, she gave Oliver so much shit. She never let him get away with anything. Mark and Nancy were the only two people in Oliver's world who knew of Elio, Nancy was very much against Oliver marrying Madeline. When they met Elio, they already knew so much about him. Welcoming him with open arms, Elio remembered not knowing how to take Nancy other than absolutely loving her instantly.

"So it's settled, we are going out to eat and then to the theatre." Nancy enosiated theatre.

"Um I mean as much as I would love to go, it just doesn't sound like fun so after dinner Valentina and I will go to the movies instead." Christopher wrinkled his nose.

"Yeah me too, I'm going to this music thing tonight around the corner." Jona said sitting in the arm chair.

"Oh? What's this music thing you are going to?" Oliver asked.

"Nothing just going to watch some bands play, no big deal." Jona shrugged.

"Ok, just please be safe ok?"

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now