Part 1

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It's been 1 years since what happened at Ski Lodge. I like Alex and he likes me.(Alex-new kid in school. 1 year older) I should go for that. He is super nice and funny. I like Josh, but I can't keep waiting my whole life for him.

Next day at school:

-"Hi Alex!" I said bit nervous...
-"Hi Maya, you look georges" he answered with big smile on his face...
-"So... I wanted to ask you, if you would like to come to prom with me.??"
-"Of course, I will pick you up at 7PM"
I walked of. I was so happy that he didn't say no... I am actually going out with a boy, who I like and who isn't my friend... I need to tell Riley!!


I was standing against my locker when Maya came up to me whit a big smile on her face...
-"Why are you so happy?" I asked...
-"Well... I am going to prom with Alex!!" She was so excited..
-"That's great... But what about the "Long game"?" I was happy fir her but little shocked...
-"We all know it will never happen. Besides Alex and I like eachother. And I haven't seen Josh since the day your mom decided not to go to London... he hasn't even texted me once. It's only fear if I move on"
She was right...
-"We can go all together. You and Alex, Me and Lucas, Smackle and Farkle, Zay and Vanessa" I said and we hugged...

Day of the prom:


-"OMG I am so nervous" I said to Riley...
-"Stop, everything is gonna be fine. You look stuning"...
-"Thanks Riles" I said and calmed down.


-"Where are the girls?" I asked Topanga...
-"They are in Rileys room getting ready" she asked "Why? Is everything ok?"...
-"Well... Josh is coming over. I just don't want it to be akward with all the Long game stuff... you know?" I was so nervous...
-"Cory, they bouth are grown up... They will be allright. Josh is mature enougb to be happy for her" she kind of calmed me down...


I heard a door bell.
-"Riley they are here.."
-"Yeah. You ready?" She asked and you could hear happynes in her voice...
-"yeah. Let's do this" I felt ready. I was ready..
We walked downstairs and I saw Josh on the couch. Abviously my heart started to beat two times faster, but I didn't let it show, because there was Alex standing in livingroom.
-"Ok.We are ready and our dates are here. We're leaving... bye!" I said to Topanga, trying to avoid Josh...
-"Bye have fun!" She answered...
I grabbed Alex's hand and we walked out right after Riley and Lucas...


-"Who was that guy?" I asked Cory after they left...
-"That was Alex. He is a new student"
-"Yeah, but what us he doing with Maya?" I asked sounding a little jelous...
-"Well they are going to Prom. She asked him out. He has been flirting and paying atention to her since he transfered here!"
-"So they are like ona a date?" I asked sounding jelous...again...

At the dance:


I like Maya. I have been trying to go out with her for a long time now.
-"Hey Maya?" I started to talk while we were dancing...
-"yeah?" She asked with her big smile...
-"Would you like to go out with me?" I asked. But I was so nervous...
-"yes! Of course" she answered and we hugged...


-"So she is over Josh?" I asked Riley...
-"Well I don't think so. I think she just doesn't want to wait anymore. All of here friend are experiencing first love, first realationship...And she needs that. It's not fear that Josh said all that stuff about Long game, but hasn't fone anything for a year" she answerd and I agreed with her...
-"Yeah. I guess she is happy. Because that's all that metters"
-"I think she is" she answered "I am happy too" she kissed me and said "I love you!"

struggling JoshayaWhere stories live. Discover now