Chapter 6 - Trouble Is Brewing

Start from the beginning

"Thank you and your dad for supporting it. I drew inspiration for my winery from my idol, Valentino Toscano. One day, I hope to win awards and meet him in person."

"Wow, I didn't know he did that in real life too! He is one of my favorite actors from The Many Trials of Cocoa," Kamea says again excitedly.

Just from the few days we have met, the smallest things can excite her. She is health conscious, attractive, not materialistic, and sexy. And she wants to get married and have a family of her own. I hope I am the one she marries and I am the father of her children.

Shortly after our conversation, a nurse came in with dinner. "Mr. Fiore, here is your dinner. Hi Kamea."

"Hey Mary, glad to see you back at work."

"It's good to be back." Then, she left the room.

"It's time for me to head home. I'll stop by to see you tomorrow. And thank you for the chat."

"You're welcome, love. See you tomorrow." Afterward, she left. Then, I ate dinner and went to sleep for the night.


Kamea's POV

As I was making my way to my Range Rover, it felt like someone was following me. So, I quickened my pace of walking and got in my Rover. I put my keys in the ignition and drove off quickly.

Narrator's POV

Little did she know that it was Reed that was following her.


Reed's POV

"Hmm, so she is dating Cris now? We'll see how long that relationship lasts."


Kamea's POV

Chris is being discharged from the hospital today. So I told him I would make today available on my schedule to go to his house.

His parents came, along with the twins, Día and Rocco, to drive him home. I would follow in my Rover. Día asked Cris, "Daddy, can I ride with the pretty lady?"

Cris replied, "Of course, as long as it is okay with her."

"That's fine with me. But I don't have a booster seat for her."

"I want to go with the pretty lady, too." Rocco started fussing.

"I'll grab the seats really quick." Cris grabbed them from his parents' truck and put them in the back seats.

He looked at me, winked, and said: "Thank you." The way he looked at me made my heart skip a beat again.

A short while later, we pulled up to his house. Let me rephrase that, his mansion. My mouth dropped at how gorgeous it was. "Wow, your house is beautiful." The lawn looked like it was cut every other day. There was a beautiful marble water fountain, a stone gravel driveway, and beautiful red rose bushes planted along the steps that led to what looked like mahogany doors.

 There was a beautiful marble water fountain, a stone gravel driveway, and beautiful red rose bushes planted along the steps that led to what looked like mahogany doors

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"Thank you, Kamea. But wait until you see the inside," Cris said, smiling as the kids and I got out of the car.

But, the mood quickly turned sour—the front doors opened to a scantily clad soon-to-be-ex in a black and red negligee.

Cris's POV

Candi must be crazy. Kamea shielded the twins' eyes.

"Candi, get out of my house because we are through!!!"

"Aww, Cris, you don't mean that. We just hit a rough patch. We can make it through this," Candy mouthed.

"What part of what I said are you not understanding? We are through!!! Get whatever you have out of my house NOW!!!! I'm not joking, and I don't appreciate you insulting and smacking my kids. And I know for a fact that you were cheating on me. So, get out! Kamea, Día, and Rocco get in the house now, please?" They started walking towards the house when Candi went ballistic.

"I see what it is. You have been screwing around with her because she is the same color as your kids. You're dumping me for her?!"

"First of all, chick, I don't need to sleep around with nobody! I am nobody's sex object! Secondly, the reason your dumb behind was dumped was that you put your hands on Cris' kids. That is a no-no. And you had the audacity to insult them. They are five years old!!! And if he were dumping you for me, it would be a major upgrade!!"

"Didn't you just hear what I said?!" This time, I started getting angry. "Leave Kamea out of this! She has nothing to do with us being over. Once again, you not only insulted my children, but you insulted Kamea. My parents raised me to love people of all races. And, no, we are not having sex."

"At least not yet."

"Look, just get your crap out of my house, and you have 10 minutes to do it. The clock is ticking."

"Fine." Then, Candi stormed back inside my house.

My kids dragged Kamea around the house for a tour. Meanwhile, I stood at the door, looking at my watch. I wanted Candi out of the house within 5 minutes. But I was being nice and gave her 10 minutes. I started growing impatient because it slowly became almost a half hour.

"Candi!!!" I screamed loudly. She slowly dragged her stuff downstairs. I caught on to what she was trying to do, so I gave her a little push. "There's the door, now use it!!" The twins just came back with Kamea from their tour of the house.

Candi stops and turns around to me first. " You will regret dropping me for her, Cris." Then she turns to Kamea and says: "Watch your back, whatever you are. You will pay for taking him from me." And, then, she left the house.


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