16: If We Ever Meet Again

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16: If We Ever Meet Again

♔Matt Klarner♔

It lasted for a couple seconds or maybe even a full five minutes; all I know is that I wanted more. It was an innocent kiss, but the adrenaline was enough to make me go off in fireworks. It didn't take long for the kiss to evolve a little deeper. Kissing Emily for the first time... I was on top of the world and no one could stop us. And I mean no one- unless they were the Ferris wheel operator.

His raspy voice echoed in the intercom, "Hi everyone, the Ferris wheel is now working again, thank you for waiting." The ride jolted back to a start and Emily broke away immediately. She snapped shut and looked the other way, I could just barely catch a glimpse of her rosy cheeks. That was when I started freaking out.

Oh shit she hates me. I was moving too fast and scared her away. Our friendship is over. I'm done for- why did I do that? So incredibly stupid. Now she'll ever talk to me again. I might as well put a sign on my forehead that says: Matt Klarner, guy that used to get laid whenever he wanted, can't even form a proper sentence in front of this chick.

As I was chiding myself for being an idiot, I saw Emily's hand slide over to mine. Her warm hands gradually clasped mine, putting all my thoughts to a rest as I stared at our entwined fingers. The corners of my mouth lifted and I held on to her hand even tighter. Phew, that was a relief. 

We didn't look at each other the rest of the ride, but I did slide closer and she rested her head on my shoulder so I figured I was still safe. Eventually, the best Ferris wheel ride of my life came to a stop and we hooped off, still holding hands like couples do. I made an extra effort to glare at the operator and make it clear that I did not appreciate his dick move of interrupting us, even though he had no idea.  We walked out of there pretty quickly, but I'm sure he gave me a confused frown with his bushy eyebrows which uncannily resembled my dad's.

It was pretty late so I drove Emily home; it wasn't a very long drive since she didn't live too far from the boardwalk. Even though the sky was pitch black (besides the city lights), the summer air was still warm so I let down the cover of my convert able. I surreptitiously glanced at Emily while driving; the wind was in her hair and she clung onto the pig with those nice slender of fingers of hers. The same ones that held my hand just moments ago. The grasp wasn't perfect because our hands were getting warm and sweaty (well mine was), but it felt right.

When I arrived at her house, I went around the car and opened the door for her which I usually didn't do for other girls. I was so accustomed to parking outside my dates' houses and honking the horn because I simply didn't care. With Emily... it's different. I think I care too much and was probably over thinking and being too meticulous with my every move. This feeling of falling for someone was completely foreign to me and I was clearly ambivalent about it. It makes me ecstatic, but at the same time, I want to shit my pants. Truth is, and I hate to admit it, I have no idea what to do. 

So there I was, standing in front of Emily's front door, staring into her crystal blue eyes like a creep as these thoughts went through my head. I quickly snapped out of it and told her goodnight before she really thought I was a creep. Surprisingly, she walked over to me, went on her tippy toes and kissed me. 

"Good night Matt. Thank you for today. I had a really good time," she said quietly into my ear before prancing into her house. 

If she kept doing this to me, I'm going to have a heart attack. 

After standing on her porch for a full minute, I got a grip of realty and headed home. The lights in my house were all on even though no one was home. There was a plate of steak that was supposed to be my dinner since I forgot to call in and tell the chef I wasn't going to be home. Oh well, they were probably used to it anyway. I tossed my keys onto the counter and noticed there was a voice mail on the home phone. Only one person ever called it and I pressed the play button with uneasy anticipation.

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