8: White Knuckles

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8: White Knuckles

PICTURE OF TYSON ON THE SIDE----------------->

♕Emily Brown♕


Click Clack

Click Clack Click Clack

Ugh, the noise was really disturbing my sleep. I threw off my Ikea bed covers and pushed open the window. The tall guy wearing a green varsity jacket who was throwing garden pebbles at my window ran off my lawn, showing only his backside. "What the heck?" I yelled angrily, glancing around my house from side to side to make sure it hasn't been vandalized.

"Check your front door," he shouted back unclearly. He was now on the opposite end of the ghetto street and still running.

I flew down the carpeted stairs and opened the front door to see absolutely nothing. "Moronic asshole," I thought to myself before something shiny caught the corner of my eye. I jumped off my porch to my driveway and saw the 'shiny thing'. There on my driveway, was parked a brand new silver BMW.

On the windshield of it was a bright yellow sticky note with messy printing scribbled all over it saying, "Sorry about yesterday, I hope this compensates for it." I groaned internally and scrunched up the sticky note in my hand. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out who wrote it.

At school, I was jittery all day to confront Matt about the stupid pity car and when history class rolled along, I hopped out of my seat. "Matt!" I bellowed eagerly when I saw him in the exact same green varsity jacket. If he was a robber, he wouldn't be fantastic at hiding his evidence. 

He turned around and gave me one of his infamous cocky smiles that girls couldn't help but swoon over. 

"You left the car there didn't you?"

"Your welcome," he replied proudly.

"Take it back."


"You heard me. I said take it back. Buying me a car doesn't earn my forgiveness and it sure won't 'compensate' for anything. We're completely different people who should never be friends and you proved that yesterday. You're just someone I'm stuck working with. So here are the keys you left on the car, please pick it up after school," I asserted, tossing the keys towards him and then walking away without looking back with any twinge of regret.

♔Matt Klarner♔

"I don't get it. I don't get it at all," I grumbled, kicking the empty plastic water bottle on the ground. "What's her problem anyways? She should be happy, shouldn't she? I mean, I gave her  a freakin' car." I kicked the water bottle even harder and this time, it flew high above the air, hitting some kid walking towards Building C when it came down.

Tyson patted my back and stated the obvious. "You did screw up pretty bad."

"Yeah, thanks for telling me- like I had no idea," I moped. "Now she hates me."

He suddenly laughed and started slapping my back as he did this. Tyson had a thing with hitting someone's back while he laughed, I just had to make sure he doesn't laugh too hard or else he'd break my back. The harder he laughed, the more forceful the smacks. "Bro, you're whipped!"

"We're not even dating!" I exclaimed wearily. "I'm just saying, I don't get why she won't accept my gift."

"Emily's not that kind of girl. You can't buy her with a car or sex- she's not Bridget," Tyson cracked up on his own joke again and laughed so hard, he had to hold onto me for balance.

I stared at him, slightly unsure of his sanity until he stopped and began speaking coherently. "If you want a girl like Emily, you gotta find out what she really cares about."

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