(Everyone) Act Six, Scene Two

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Elliot hummed as he walked away from his siblings, after seeing his sister, he felt as though he was walking on clouds. Quinn stood next to him smiling as he watched his friend dance around him with glee. "Are you ready to head back to your camp now?"

Elliot grinned and nodded. He then walked around to the front of Quinn and wrapped his arms around him in a hug. Quinn took a deep breath and then took off, gliding through the air, spreading flakes of dark magic onto the ground below.

When they made it back to camp, it had gone from day to night, though Elliot thought that whenever he was around Quinn, the night seemed to come faster.

When they landed, there were several campers gathered around a stage muttering excitedly, Elliot grabbed Quinn's wrist and dragged him into the vibrating crowd. "What's going on?" he asked to no one in particular.

Suddenly there was a large popping sound and, Rio and three other thirteen-year-old boys appeared on the stage. Elliot felt strangely drawn to them. He glanced over at Quinn, who had a serious expression on his face.

Elliot then thought, Screw it, and ran up to the stage, still dragging the child of Lilith behind him. When he reached the stage there was another flash of light and Ara stood there, her Valkyrie friend, Genofafa stood next to her. Elliot pulled Quinn up onto the stage, though there wasn't that much of a struggle.

When all of the children were on stage, Chiron approached. He too, clambered onto the wooden platform. Taka and Salvador stood back, but Elliot and Rio had their, 'confident' personality out. Hakizimana stood next to Rio, so close that their shoulders were touching.

"Demigods of Camp Half-Blood, we feel as though the gods have robbed you of something, very, very important," Elliot shouted, "we want you to know that other gods from separate cultures do exist!"

Taka stepped forward and placed a hand on Rio's shoulder, Salvador followed after him. "We have found that we children of Janus, as well as Salvador, are linked to certain cultures that are not our own. We have brought you one demigod, or mage, from every single culture that we know of, so please listen to them as they speak!" Rio continued after his brother.

Taka then took a deep breath and stepped forward, "I am Taka Hamari, of what you would call Japan. I am the worshiper of the goddess, Bishamon, or Bishamonten. She is the guardian of the North, she is one of the Seven Gods of Luck, I am also a river spirit." Taka finished, bowing before stepping back to join Salvador and Rio.

Hakizimana stepped forward and immediately launched into speech, "I am Hakizimana Amina. I am an exiled Egyptian magician. I follow the path of Ra, the sun god."

Quinn smiled and laughed a little when Elliot pushed him forward, "My name is Quinn Nightingale. I am a child of Lilith, the goddess of the night, as well as demons."

Ara took Genofafa by the arm and they stepped forward together, the crowd gasped, for they had not realized that the previously deceased girl had appeared on the stage. There was a shout from the audience and a seventeen-year-old with bubble gum pink hair surged forward. Madeline grabbed her siblings and hugged them all. Nora was on stage as well, though no one was sure how she had gotten there.

The children of Janus hugged and then there was a pause in the crowd, "Don't you ever leave again." Madeline whispered to her brothers, before she kissed the top of Ara's head. She pulled back and grabbed Nora's hand before she released it and hopped off of the stage and melting back into the crowd with her sister, "Demigods, I know that my reappearance may be very confusing for some of you," Ara started. She took a deep breath and then continued, "I have indeed died. But there is a place called Valhalla, that has given me a second chance, I am what you call an einherji. This is my friend Genofafa, she is a Valkyrie. I owe her my second life."

Genofafa stepped forward and smiled at her friend, "As my dear friend Ara had already said, I am Genofafa, I am a Valkyrie. Valkyries are similar to your hunters of Artemis, though we do not get killed if we fall in love. We have sworn ourselves to the All Father, otherwise known as Odin. I am a child of the Aesir, or tree folk."

When all of the demigods on stage were done introducing themselves there was a ripple of speech that washed over the crowd, though it was hushed soon after.

"Thank you for listening to us, I hope that you know that we do exist," Quinn said, taking charge, "We are starting a new camp, this camp will contain demigods of all different cultures, we will also be spreading the word of our existence to Salvador's camp. I hope you feel as though you have been informed of that missing part."

With that all of the members on stage disappeared to go finish what they had started.



Mostly Normal: Only Half of the StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon