(Madeline) Act Two, Scene Six

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A/N: Kat couldn't write Ara's funeral, so this chapter is all me. Hope you enjoy!  

That night, they pushed the funeral shroud into the flames. The cloth was embroidered with white wings on the left side and black books on the other. The Athena children hid their calloused hands, most of said calluses having been ripped off while embroidering the lovely cloth. Everyone was silent. Until Madeline stepped forward.

"Ara, I'm so, so sorry. If I had been there for you, like a good older sister should be, then you may not have died. If I had taken my responsibility more seriously then maybe you would still be here. Heck, if I had re-thought that last attack then you would still be here." Madeline spoke to the fire, which crackled even louder when she finished.

Elliot stepped forward next, "Ara, if I had been there to help you then I would have been able to save you. I know that we were awful to you, but I never ever wanted something as awful as that to happen to you. You were my big sister, oh Pluto you still are. I want you to make it to wherever you want to go in the underworld because the gods know you deserve it." When he finished speaking, his shoulders were shaking so hard from the tears streaking down his face that it looked like he was shivering.

Rio and Nora both stepped forward next, though instead of talking, they began to sing,

"Lay down, your sweet and dreary head.

Night is falling,

You have come to journeys end.

Sleep now, and dream of the ones who came before

They are calling from across a distant shore

Why do you weep?

What are these tears upon your face?

Soon you will see,

all of your fears will pass away,

safe in my arms

You're only sleeping

What can you see on the horizon?

Why do the white ghosts call?

Across the sea a pale moon rises,

The ships have come to carry you home,

And all will turn to silver glass,

A light on the water,

All souls pass.

Hope, fate until the world of night,

Through shadows falling,

Out of memory and time,

Don't say, "we have come now to the end."

White shores are calling,

You and I will meet again,

And you'll be here in my arms, just sleeping,

What can you see, on the horizon?

Why do the white ghosts call?

Across the sea a pale moon rises,

The ships have come to carry you home,

And all will turn to silver glass,

A light on the water,

gray ships pass into the west."

The song was choked out as if it was painful, the children of Janus did not have Apollo-like voices, but that did not make the song any less meaningful. Madeline sobbed like a small child as she leaned into Fred, his shirt was now soaked with tears.

Nora and Rio had both collapsed at some point during the song. All around the camp, even the demigods that had been to shell shocked about the death of a camper within the camp to come to the funeral, were crying. The heartfelt sobs filled the air, making a depressed atmosphere encase the normally loud and happy camp.


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