(Ara) Act Two, Scene One

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Ara looked up at the stars as a blue lightning bug landed next to her. She giggled and said, "Hi, Genofafa. Are you going to turn human any time soon?"

The firefly blinked three times. Ara smiled at it. "Oh, Genofafa," she said, "you're so cute! Stop blinking like that, you make me want to eat you or something!" The lightning bug abruptly stopped blinking, and Ara laughed. "Only joking."

Suddenly, instead of a lightning bug sitting on the roof with her, there was a blue-haired girl with large feathered wings. "So you finally decided to come and visit me? I was so lonely. You are my only friend." Ara said as she wrapped her arms around the older girl.

The blue-haired girl looked concerned. "You have your siblings, Ara," she said in a silvery sort of voice, "aren't they your friends?"

Ara shook her head. "I hate them," she muttered, "They're so mean to me."

Genofafa smiled, "And you know the reason that I never visit is because I have work. I am lead Valkyrie after all." Her voice soothed Ara. The small girl leaned into the other, humming slightly.

Ara sighed, content at last. "You should quit your job and live with me, Gen," she said, stroking her friend's feathery wings, "I hate everyone at camp. Except maybe Chiron, but that's not my point. I'm just so lonely!"

"I cannot quit my job! I have sworn my life to the all father. I am sorry that you are lonely. Do you have someone at your camp named Annabeth?" The Valkyrie asked, shivering at the touch on her sensitive wings.

"Annabeth?" Ara thought for a moment. "Isn't she that Athena girl who ran around with Percy Jackson a few years back? Like, blond hair, gray eyes, super smart and architect?"

Genofafa giggled and said through her heavily accented voice, "Yes, that is a valid description. Does she still go to your camp?" She asked as she rearranged the position that they were sitting in.

Ara glanced over at the Athena cabin a ways off and nodded. "She's a counselor for the cabin now," she said, "partnered with Fred Callahan. I've always thought she's too old to be friends with me. I mean, I'm only fifteen."

"And I am not? I am hundreds of years older than you!" The blue haired girl joked, "On a more serious note, I need to tell the Chase girl that her cousin died and joined us. Do you mind if I stay with you overnight?" Genofafa said with a smile that could have been blinding from the wrong angle.

Ara grinned despite Genofafa's sad news. "Of course," she exclaimed, "thank you. You can sleep in my bed, I'll take the floor..." her voice trailed off as Genofafa shook her head.

"Is that the wisest choice, daughter of Janus?" the Valkyrie asked sternly, "Would your father approve of this choice?" Ara blushed.

"It's a tiny little choice, Genofafa," she protested, "it won't make any difference!"

"It would to you," the blue-haired Valkyrie said with a frown, "I refuse to see my friend be kicked out of her own bed. What if I showed you how to sleep under the stars?" she asked with a twinkle in her milky white eyes.

Ara considered this for a second, glancing up at the sky to make sure the camp wasn't due for a rain shower any time soon. Then she nodded. "I don't want to sleep with my siblings anyway," she said with a shrug, flopping down on the roof with a smile. Genofafa giggled and lay down next to her, folding her wings tightly against her sides.

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