(Elliot) Act Four, Scene Two

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Elliot squealed as Quinn used his shadow magic to lift them into the air. Elliot wrapped his arms around the taller boy and smiled into him. something he only did when he was with Quinn.

"Are you alright?" Quinn asked looking down at his friend. Elliot giggled happily and nodded. The two flew through the air for ten minutes before Quinn found a cloud, "Do you want to go cloudbusting?"

"Yes! We haven't done that since Christmas!" Elliot yelled as he and Quinn headed for the fluffy white cloud. As they landed on it, Elliot fell back and sighed as he rolled into the comfort of the water vapor.

The two of them flew through the cloud and Elliot shook the droplets out of his hair, grinning widely. "Do another one, Quinn!" he shouted up at his friend, who laughed and headed for another cloud.

All too soon, the ride was over and Elliot was dropped safely to the ground.

"Come back tomorrow?" Elliot asked his friend hopefully as Quinn prepared to leave, "I'm lonely."

"Don't you have your siblings?" the child of Lilith asked in surprise. Elliot nodded. "Yeah," he said, "but they're usually busy."

Quinn thought for a moment. "Perhaps," he said, "I'm kind of busy at the moment, too, but I'll try, Elliot, I promise." he looked into Elliot's eyes with earnest. Elliot nodded and waved to his friend as Quinn turned back into a shaft of light and disappeared.

Elliot headed back to his cabin with his disappearing friend in his mind. As he emerged from the thicket, he saw that Nora was waiting patiently on a rock for something. "Hello, big brother. What are you doing?" She asked with a small smile.

Elliot smiled sheepishly. "Nothing," he said, "feeling better?"

"Yep. You?"

Elliot nodded. In fact, he wasn't feeling like he was going to puke anymore. "How're the others?" he asked Nora.

The nine-year-old shrugged, half-smiling. "So-so," she said, cocking her head, "Rio's still dry-heaving. Will brought him back to bed."

"And Madeline?"

Nora shrugged again. "She's talking with Fred. It's hard to say how she feels, but she still looks a little pale. She's not throwing up anything, though." she giggled. "Like she would with her boyfriend at her side."

Elliot giggled, too. It sounded like the Janus kids would be teasing Madeline about her boyfriend for the rest of her life.

"Come on," Elliot said, taking his half-sister's hand and helping her to her feet, "let's get back and check on Madeline and Rio."

Nora smiled, and the two half-siblings started walking back towards the Apollo cabin.

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