(Ara) Act Two, Scene Two

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When the next day arrived, both girls slid off of the roof and headed for the Athena cabin before breakfast. As they walked, the campers that were up and mingling in the autumn air stared at them. There were whispers everywhere. Till finally a satyr approached the duo and asked, "Ara, who is this?"

Ara glanced at her companion, who smiled and nodded. Ara smiled back and turned to the satyr. "This is my Valkyrie friend, Genofafa. She needs to speak with Annabeth Chase urgently."

"What the heck is a Valkyrie?" the satyr asked, not moving a muscle out of the way. Ara opened her mouth to speak, but was cut short by Genofafa.

"I have this." Genofafa said placing her arm in front of her best friend. "A Valkyrie is a female who pledges herself to the All Father." She explained with a voice as rich as cream.

The satyr contemplated this new fact for a moment, then reluctantly stepped aside. "Fine," he said, though Ara got the feeling he didn't really understand, "go ahead. Annabeth is in the arena right now with Chiron, practicing her archery for the day."

Ara nodded. "Thanks," she said, and she and Genofafa started walking towards the arena.

When they reached the arena, Chiron turned, when he saw Genofafa, who had her wings spread comfortably along her back, he dropped his bow. "You, child. You have died. You died when the war against the Christians took place. You are not supposed to be here."

Genofafa nodded sadly and then said, "I am aware of this fact, great sir. But I need to speak with your student, Annabeth Chase. I do hope my presence does not cause too much harm to the splitting of the Pagans."

Chiron looked at Annabeth, who had just knocked an arrow and was staring at the blue-haired, winged girl with annoyance. Chiron put a hand on her shoulder and whispered something in her ear. The blond girl nodded and lowered her bow and arrow reluctantly. "What is it?" she asked, sounding annoyed but resigned.

"Annabeth Chase? Are you aware of the fact that you have a cousin in Boston?" Genofafa asked, her voice switching from apologetic to businesslike. Annabeth nodded, which the Valkyrie took as a sign to continue, "then I regret to inform you that he has passed on. He has joined my fellow einherjar in Valhalla."

Ara looked at her friend, confused. "Valhalla?" she asked, "Is that like the Underworld or something? Maybe Tartarus?"

"Odin's eye no! Valhalla is where fallen warriors go to serve Odin or the All Father until the day that Ragnarok, or the end of the world comes. Your cousin is in good hands," Genofafa said before turning on her heel, dragging her friend along with her.

Annabeth's gray eyes widened, and she dropped her bow altogether. "He's dead?" she whispered, looking to Chiron nervously. The old centaur hung his head and nodded.

"What the Valkyrie says is truth," he said, his hand still on the daughter of Athena's shoulder. A single tear fell from Annabeth's gray eyes and she blinked hard to keep any more tears from escaping. She could hardly believe it.

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