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Hey all. I've been doing this little by little so don't worry that I'm hurting myself. I'm still dealing with constant pain and sometimes it's better than others. Tonight is a good night. But while I'm doing a little better, I won't try and jeopardize what little progress I've made. Also, just as a small tidbit, writing is cathartic for me. So please understand why it's difficult for me to take a long break. I promise I won't be irresponsible. 💜


"Hyung, wake up.  Jieun just left with the car." Hoseok shook Yoongi's shoulder vigorously. 

Yoongi's eyes shot open and he immediately felt of his pocket.  Empty.  An expletive slipped from his lips and he jumped to his feet, the adrenaline flowing through his veins freely. "She took the list," he groaned, rubbing his hands across his face, before resting them on his hips. 

"She must have had a good reason." 

"I would surely love to know what that is," sighed Yoongi, getting more irritated by the minute. 

"She said you looked upset over something you saw in the book earlier.  Is everything okay?" Hoseok eyed his boss carefully.  He had been patient because he didn't want to pry too much, but he didn't want to be left in the dark about anything that could possibly hurt Yoongi in the long run.

"I don't want to talk about it right now.  Right now, I want to track her down and stop her from doing whatever stupid thing she's planning on doing."  Yoongi fidgeted and pulled out his phone. 

"Here," said Hoseok, tossing a set of keys to Yoongi.

"What are these to?"  Yoongi looked at the keys and back up to Hoseok. 

"Two bikes in the garage."  Hoseok smirked and made his way towards the garage.

"Perfect," said Yoongi.  He quickly dialed JK as he walked. 

"Yes, boss?" 

"Track Jieun's phone, now.  Send her location to my phone.  Don't make me wait," he ordered gruffly, following Hoseok as he opened the door to the garage. 

The bodyguard was already positioned on one of the shiny silver motorcycles as Yoongi approached him, replacing his phone into his pocket once more.  "I haven't driven a crotch rocket in forever," sighed Hoseok as he placed a helmet on his head. 

Yoongi's body was humming with excitement as he straddled the bike, quickly putting a helmet on his own head.  With one look at Hoseok, he reach down to turn the key.  His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out to see JK had sent him Jieun's location.  He pushed up the front of the helmet and looked at Hoseok.  "She didn't get far."

The two engines were fired with the turn of the keys and with Yoongi in the lead, the two men sped off at break neck speeds.


"I want her location now, Namjoon." 

"You say she has the Master List?"  Namjoon licked his lips nervously.  His heart was racing.  If Lee got his hands on the Master List, he would probably no longer need Namjoon, making him as good as dead.  It would probably be the same for JK, but maybe his tech skills could save him. His eyes slid over to the young hacker who had already traced Jieun's location for Yoongi. 

"Yes, Namjoon, I did.  Now give me her location!  She's taking too long to get here.  I'm tired of babysitting these two worthless pieces of garbage." 

Namjoon looked at JK's screen and then at JK who had turned in his chair to see what made Namjoon sound nervous.  "Hang on, sir, I'm asking JK right now.  I'll text it to you."

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