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Yoongi stared angrily at the pompous mob boss casually drinking tea.  "Let them go," he ground out through his teeth.

Lee chuckled and set his cup down softly, a delicate clink accompanying his action.  He stood to his feet and walked towards Jimin, picking up the scalpel as he walked towards him.  "You're not who I was expecting to see," he muttered, eyeing Jimin carefully, eyes trailing over every square inch of his chest. 

"Yeah, I get that.  She's not coming." Yoongi felt rage bubbling up in his chest. 

"That's too bad," said Lee, a timer going off on his phone.  "Oh!  Times up!"  Lee giggled harshly and waved the scalpel back and forth in front of Jimin, trying to decide where to cut next. 

Taehyung again shook at the chair he was attached to, earning a kick from the guard nearby who'd had too much of his movements.  Taehyung grunted as the guard's boot came in contact with his ribs.

Yoongi took a deep breath and pulled his eyes away from Taehyung and back towards the man in front of Jimin.  His eyes widened as the apparent psychopath paused right at the top of Jimin's sternum and pressed the surgical instrument in slowly.  He had to hold himself together but watching Jimin struggle and writhe from the pain without making a sound, was almost too much for him.  "Stop it!" he screamed.

Lee drug the scalpel down about four inches and then crossed his arms admiring his work.  "I already explained that I am a man of my word.  She's ten minutes late."  He dropped the scalpel onto the nearby tray and then sat back down in his chair, picking up his teacup again. 

"I already told you," Yoongi said in a strained tone, "she's not coming.  I have what you want."  He strode forward and slapped the little, black notebook down on the table.  He kept one finger on it and watched as Lee slid his eyes to the small book, his hand holding the teacup frozen in mid-air.  "That's right.  I have the Master List.  I also have a few dozen men surrounding this place.  All I want is those two," he sneered, jerking his head towards Taehyung and Jimin.  "Then you can have this and we will walk out of here."  He was bluffing about the men but hoped Lee would buy his lie. 

"You think I believe that lie?"  Lee laughed and set his cup down.  "Open it.  I want to see if it really is the list." 

Yoongi was getting more irritated as the minutes dragged on.  The longer he was here, the more things could  go wrong.  He flipped open to a few pages in from the front and after a few seconds he slammed it closed.  "There.  Satisfied?"

Lee cocked one eyebrow and smirked.  He then rolled his eyes and sighed.  "Let them loose," he said towards his men who were stationed near the two captives.  "Yoongi, I've been in this business for a long time.  You're no match for me.  But as I said, I'm a man of my word.  You and your two pitiful charges are free to go.  Hope you're strong enough to carry them both."  He laughed loudly and snatched the notebook from Yoongi's hand.  "Now, get out of my sight.  I'll find you again."  He tapped the notebook to his forehead in a small salute.

Yoongi rushed over to Taehyung, who was stumbling and tripping over his numb legs to get to Lee.  With a growling scream, he launched himself towards Lee, but in his weakened state, Yoongi was able to grab him before he got to the man.  "Taehyung, Jimin needs our help.  Leave this scum.  We'll take care of him later," muttered Yoongi into the younger man's ear. 

Taehyung struggled against Yoongi's grip, tears pouring down his cheeks, teeth clenched tightly.  "He tortured Jimin," he choked out.  "I promised Jimin!" His bloodied wrists stretched out towards Lee, his hands flexing taut as he tried to grab the man's neck. 

Yoongi tugged him backwards, trying to ignore Lee's dark laughter from behind him.  He drug Taehyung towards where Jimin had crumpled to the floor with a thud and a groan as the guard undid the chains holding his limbs.  Taehyung pushed Yoongi away and was sobbing and scrambling across the floor till he reached Jimin.  He then snatched him up off the cool floor and into his arms.  "I'm sorry," he whispered. 

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