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Hoseok walked into Yoongi's room, only a slight rapping with his knuckles on the dark mahogany wood to alert Yoongi to his arrival.  He walked over to the large desk Yoongi was seated behind and laid a thin white envelope on his desk.  "A meeting has been requested."

Yoongi reached over and picked up the envelope carefully.  "What kind of meeting," he wondered allowed.  Hoseok might be his right-hand man, but he was not a snoop and Yoongi knew his friend was just as clueless as he was at the moment.  He tore open the end of the envelope and put it to his lips, breathing a puff of air into it to separate the contents.  He slid them out onto the desk.  A small hand-written note on nondescript white paper with a business card for an expensive sushi restaurant was all that was inside.  He opened it and frowned. 

Min Yoongi,

I need to meet with you tonight.  I have things to discuss with you. 
Most importantly being the presence of a mole in your organization.
Let's meet at 9 p.m.  I've made reservations.

Lee Kwang Young

Yoongi handed the letter to Hoseok who was waiting patiently.  Hoseok's dark eyes scanned the paper and he slowly slid his gaze up to meet Yoongi's.  "What does he mean, a mole?"

"Do we have one?  I haven't noticed anything strange, have you?"  Yoongi contemplated the cryptic note and frowned deeper.  "Who is this guy anyway?  Seems kind of arrogant to make reservations and assume I'll just show up.  Do we know him?"  He met Hoseok's dark gaze and sighed.  "Stop being so paranoid, Hobi.  It's probably nothing important."

"Someone sent a note with your name on it.  We haven't even officially announced you as the head of the Min family yet.  How would he know to ask to speak with you and not your father?"  Hoseok felt a cold chill run down his spine.  He had a terrible feeling about this. 

"Who knows?  That is a bit concerning, I suppose."  Yoongi stood from his chair and walked around the desk.  "Let's go see JK.  Maybe he can pull up some info on this Lee Kwang Young person."  A small, tight-lipped smile settled on Yoongi's lips. 

Hoseok's mouth frowned even further.  So many things about this note sent up red flags to him.

"Stop frowning.  You're terrifying when you frown," teased Yoongi.  He slapped his friend on the shoulder and then sauntered out the door into the hall.  Hoseok quickly followed behind him, feeling more paranoid than ever. 

A few minutes later they found themselves outside the security offices of the family compound.  Yoongi looked at Hoseok once more before opening the door.  He thought just a moment about knocking but why should he? 

The hallway was dark like it had been last time.  Yoongi was brought to a halt by a hand gripping his forearm.  He turned to see a worried looking Hoseok grasping him tightly.  "Yah, Hobi, what is your deal?"

"Let me go in first.  I still don't trust this JK kid very much," muttered Hobi.

"That's a shame, Hoseokie-hyung!  I liked you very much.  You have a great resting dancer stance." 

The voice coming through some speakers in the ceiling surprised both Yoongi and Hoseok, causing them to freeze in their place.

"Hello, sir!  You guys can come on down to my office!  Do you remember where it is?" The voice giggled a little and Yoongi frowned. 

"Yah, you punk.  Knock off your games and turn on the lights in here." Yoongi's frustration with this employee of his was growing.

"Sir, don't you believe in environmental responsibility?  I mean, the footprint that my servers alone leave is humongous!"

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