Chapter 5 - Who Are You?

Start from the beginning

I hope he says no because I do not want to be around him and his wife.

"Yes, please come. I want to make sure that I am making the right choices so that I can be there for my kids. I love them so much that I couldn't bear not watching them grow up," Cristiano replies with a huge grin on his face and licking his lips again. He is making me think about stuff I have never done before.

As I started talking, in came a pretty female with blonde hair. But her attitude said otherwise.

"Oh, my goodness, Cris baby, are you all right?" She surveys the room and turns to look at me. Then, the words that came out of her mouth had me fuming.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in my boyfriend's room? If you are the help, do your job and get out!!!"

Cristiano was livid. And his parents politely excused themselves before they went ballistic and took his kids with them. It looked obvious that they did not like this chick at all.

As pissed off as I was, I calmly and professionally told this chick off.

"Listen, whatever your name is, I am nowhere near the help. I have a Master's degree and Bachelor's degree that qualify me to do my job, which is to help your boyfriend eat right. I took advanced classes to graduate early from college and medical school. I have my own home that is paid off. Also, there is a nice, shiny, brand-new blue Range Rover in the parking lot, and I have a spot with my name on it outside. And, might I add, almost a six-figure salary."

"Now, what do you have besides your sunshiny personality? Lady, I can do my job and yours with my hands tied behind my back. That is if you have a job. I worked my butt off to get where I am today. I am doing what I have always dreamed of doing. I'll be back later with a list of foods and beverages Cristiano will need to avoid. Now, if you don't mind, I have a job to do." And after that, I made my way out.

Cris' POV

That little display of ignorance by Candi had me furious and furthered my decision to get rid of her. And it also made me want Kamea even more.

The way she defended herself to Candi was hot. She looks just as beautiful and sexy today as she did at the club. I was more than thrilled to say yes to her making visits to my house to make sure I make healthy eating choices.

Diabetes runs in my dad's family, and several of my family members died from it. I love my kids, and I don't want them to be fatherless. After Kamea left, I let Candi have it.

"What the heck is your problem?! You can't judge people just because they are talking to me!! She was doing her job, for goodness sake!!"

"So, you're going to let her get away with talking to me like that?!

"You started it, Candi!! I'm sick and tired of your attitude and how you treat people!! She did nothing wrong, so I don't have a reason to get her in trouble. Now, how about you get out?!! I need to get some rest before I must stay in the hospital for my blood pressure!! And, just stay out of the hospital until I come home, understand?!"

"You are going to wish you never said that." Then Candi stormed out of the room and left. I could care less.

My parents heard every word of what she said. After they saw her storm off, they came back in.

"Cris, when are you getting rid of her? She is rude, bossy, and just plain nasty," my mom says.

"Daddy, she says mean stuff to us. And, she made sissy cry." Rocco spoke up to say.

"Come here, baby girl. Hop up on the bed for me." My daughter walked over to the bed, and I lifted her to sit with me. She started to cry, so I held her in my arms and started rubbing her back. "Tell daddy what she said."

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