Chapter 8 - Truth Or Trapped?!

Start from the beginning

{Your POV}
"(Y/N), truth or dare?" Mogii asked me. "Dare!" I said, confidently. "Wow, you're brave!" said George. "Thanks," I blushed. "I dare you to do a cheer routine!" said Mogii. I looked at everyone and they all looked at me. "Can we do it outside?" I asked him. He smiled and nodded. We all went to the grass in the backyard.

"Can you do that thing where 2 girls hold you up and you start falling back and forth and doing tricks?" George asked. "Sure!" I said. "Girls, are you good at cheerleading?" I ask the girls. "Yes!" they said, in sync. They helped me do my cheer routine, and at the end, we all made a pyramid and cheered, "Go ProperLife!" The boys just stood there in amazement.

"How are you going to down?" yelled George. "Like this!" I shouted. The girls at the bottom of the pyramid grabbed the girls in the middles' hands, and I fell laying down, and the rest of the 5 caught me. The boys just stared at us in shock. George came over to me. "You did so good! How did you learn to do those moves?" he asked me. I looked down and blushed. "That's what happens when you've been a cheerleader for 3 years in high school!" I smiled. He looked at me and smiled. Sabre, Lucas, Ayden and Mogii came over to us.

"Hey, George, flirting with your girlfriend, I see?" said Ayden. The rest of them laughed. I looked down and blushed. I looked out of the corner of my eye, and George was blushing as hard as he could. He looked so cute. I saw Sabre and Mogi looking over at me. I looked up at them. "What?" I asked. I saw George, Lucas, and Ayden ahead of us. We were at the back of the house, and everyone was walking to the front of the house, getting ready to head back in.

"Guys, we better hurry and catch up with the others!" I told them. Then, all of a sudden, both of them grabbed one of my arms each and headed into the back door of the house. "Hey, let go!" I yelled at them. Sabre put his hand over my mouth. They both took me in a dark room. Mogi turned the light on, and it walked in with me. Sabre locked the door behind him. I ran for the door. "Let me go!" I screamed. I realized that I was in a recording office, so there was no use yelling because it was sound proof. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME?!?!" I asked. "We'll explain later, (N/N)," said Sabre. Did Sabre just call me by my nickname? Huh. Strange.

Suddenly, Sabre's phone rung. Yes, freedom! I thought to myself. Sabre picked it up. "What's up?" he answered. "Hey, where are you, Mogi, and (Y/N)? I thought we were all together," said the person on the phone. It was George. Oh gosh.

I struggled to get my watch, but Mogi was there, holding my wrist, not letting go. "Mogi, I'm warning you, let me go or suffer the consequences," I said. "I can't, I'm sorry," he said, quietly, looking away from me. He looked back at me. "Alright, you asked for it. I'm sorry, Mogi," I told him. I kicked him in the gut. He let go and fell to the floor, holding his stomach. Sabre looked and said, "Uh, George? I gotta go," he hung up.

Sabre came over to me and held me down, too. "You see Mogi, right?" I asked him. He held me down, held my wrist, and held his knee up for defense. "Last chance," I said. He smirked. "Okay," I said. I opened my mouth and bit his hand. Hard. He grabbed his hand and held it. It was bleeding. Bad. Now was my chance!

I changed the settings on my watch from human form to wolf form. Mogii grabbed my leg, and Sabre grabbed my arm. I got away and shape shifted. I unlocked the door and ran upstairs. Mogi and Sabre were standing there, shocked. I ran to the room where everyone was and they all just stared at me. I quickly shape shifted back into a human and looked down. So much for keeping that secret.

Kayla, Paige, and Emma got up. "We'll be right back!" said Kayla. We all went to the bathroom. "Why were you a wolf? And where were you, Sabre and Mogi?" Paige asked. I told them everything, and at the end, they were shocked. "Oooh," said Emma. "What?" I asked her. "I think Sabre and Mogi like you," said Kayla. "Totally!" agreed Paige. I blushed. Oh, no. I already like someone, though. I like George. "You know what?" said Kayla. "What?" "We'll play spin the bottle later and see if they like you or not," she said. "Um, okay," I said.

We went back to everyone and the boys were back. "Alright, everyone! Who wants to play spin the bottle?" asked Emma. The whole room got excited. We put a bottle on the floor. Jay went first. He spun it and it landed on Matt. "No, I'm not kissing Matt!!" he shouted. It was Meagan's turn. It landed on Lucas. Meagan went over and gave Lucas a peck on the cheek and sat down. He blushed. Then he spun and it landed on Mogi.

"No!" they said, in sync. Mogi spun and it landed on Kayla. Nathan nodded and said it was fine. She gave him a peck on the cheek, as well. Kayla spun and it landed on Slade. Nathan nodded again and Slade gave her a kiss on the lips. Slade spun and landed on Garrett. Nope. Garrett spun and it landed on Goldy. Goldy gave him a peck on the cheek and spun. It landed on me. I guess not. I spun and it landed on Sabre. Oh no.

He got up and came over to me. He pressed his lips against mine. It was soft, but nothing like George's. He stopped and went back. He spun and it landed on Ryan. Nope. Ryan spun and it landed on Ash. Ash came over and kissed his lips. Ryan kissed back. They kissed for a solid minute and sat down. Ash spun and landed on Burt. Burt came over and kissed her. Then he spun and landed on George. Nope.

He spun the bottle and got Tyson. No way! Tyson spun and got Nathan. No. Nathan spun and got Matt. No. Matt spun and got Paige. Preston nodded and Paige kissed him on the cheek. Paige spun and got Jay. Preston nodded again. Jay kissed her on the lips and spun.

He got Zach. No. Zach spun and got Ben. No. Ben spun and got Andrew. No. Andrew spun and got Emma. He was so happy! They kissed like it was their first. Emma spun and got Meagan. No. Meagan spun and got Spencer. Zach nodded and she kissed Spencer on the cheek. Spencer spun and got Ayden. No. Ariel was left. The game was over. I can't believe Sabre kissed me...

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