Chapter 1: Heartbreak and Demons.

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They cheated on me.

I sit on my bed, looking around my dorm for what might be the last time. Memories flash by, reminding me of how much this place has meant to me, but they're all overshadowed by my most recent memory.

They cheated on me.

My throat constricts, making it almost impossible to breathe, but eventually I get my breath back under control. I curl up into a ball, my heart throbbing painfully and let my tears spill over as I remember the events of the past week.
Of my girlfriends cheating on me.


I walk towards Team RWBY's dorm, my hands laden with heavy, expensive gifts in bags on both hands. I look around and see Team JNPR whispering to each other. I wasn't close enough to be able to hear their entire conversation, but I was able to catch snippets.
"Did you hear... RWBY.... SSSN?" Ren whispered.
"Yeah, wonder... Y/N will react." Jaune replied.
"Poor guy, he doesn't deserve this."Pyrrha points out, their voices getting louder as I near.
"Wait, are they doing it right now?!" Nora almost shouts.
"Hey guys!" I barge into their conversation, tilting my head at them." What're you talking about?" They looked flustered.
"N-n-nothing! Nothing at all! Heheh!" Nora stutters. The others are stuck between looking nervous and glaring at Nora.
I tilted my head at her, skeptical. I was pretty sure I heard RWBY and SSSN in the same sentence, but I couldn't figure out why. Maybe they were going to have a fight?

How naive I was back then. Letting them break down my untrusting wall only to have them stab me in the back.

"You sure?" They nod furiously. "Okay then. Well, it was nice talking to you lot, I'm going to go give the girls these gifts now." They looked like they had to say something, but decided not to after glancing at each other.
"Well... good luck..." Pyrrha mutters. The others look down at their feet.

Should've noticed that foreshadowing... she at least tried to help.

Walking down the path towards my girlfriends' dorm, I hum a little tune to myself. It was that season, where the sun is still warm on your back with the winds making sure that you're merely warm and not burning to death, but also blowing the leaves off of trees, leaving a wonderful sight to behold.

Nature may have been in harmony, but your relationships certainly weren't.

I arrive at RWBY's dorm and knock politely. As I wait however, I hear... moaning? And indistinct phrases too, lewd ones at that. I begin to frown. Weren't team JNPR talking about something going on between SSSN and RWBY...

The nail on the coffin finally dropped, and my eyes widened, before frowning.
They wouldn't cheat on me...
Would they?
I listen to the moans a bit more before going around to peer in at one of the windows. The curtains weren't drawn, so I could see directly into their dorm...

And into their act of cheating.
My bags drop.
There, in front of me, were my girlfriends, being fucked by team SSSN.
And they were enjoying it.
I just stare.
Why did they do this?
How can someone be so cruel,
As to build up a relationship for 9 months, just to tear it down?
I'm crying.
I'm choking.
I can't breathe.
I fall to my knees.
My heart.
Why does this hurt so much?
Why did they do this?
It hurts.
It hurts so much.
I just want it to end.
I... can end it here or back home.
My semblance was originally being able to take other people's wounds and give others my own wounds, but I managed to exploit it and learn how to summon weapons that have wounded me. I summon a knife and roll up my sleeves.

And I begin cutting.
One slash.
Two slash.
Three slash.
Next hand.
One slash.
Two slash.

Cheater Team RWBY x Male Reader x DDLC (SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now