Chapter 4 - First Impressions - Part 2

Start from the beginning

"So, no touching of the butt. I'll make a note of that for next time. But you didn't mention anything about the kiss. My name is Cris. I am the owner of the club."

"Look, thank you, Cris, and all for coming to my rescue, but there could never be an us. What happened tonight will stay here in your club. I vowed never to date again. My heart can't take it."

"Love, I can show you convincingly in many ways that you want all of this. And, as I remember, you said I was freaking gorgeous."

She was nervous and scoffed when I said that. "Of all the phrases I said, you remembered that one?"

I didn't care that her friend was in the room. "I mean it when I said that 'I wanted you.'"

She was nervous after that and started fanning. "L-look, thanks again, and ha-have a good night."

I blew Kamea a kiss and said: "Now that I have seen you, I will definitely sleep well knowing that we have met. Hope to see you again, and soon."

She started blushing like crazy. Then she picked up her purse and said: "Hope I don't see you again." Then, they left the club. While she was dancing, I had someone put my phone number in her purse and find her number for me.

"I will do all I can to win your heart, Ms. Kamea."


Tamia's POV

"Kam, you were blushing like crazy the whole time you were with him. Girl, you need to give that hunk a shot! He only met you tonight and already is digging you."

"Isn't that what they always say when they want to sex you up?"

"Look, every guy is not like that piece of crap, Reed. This guy is digging you, and I mean hard. You blushed every time he said something sexy."

"When Courtney said they were engaged, I saw him looking at how hurt you were. If looks could kill, Reed and Courtney would have died on the spot."

"He did?"

"Yes, he did. All I saw was love in his heart for you, girl."

"Big whoop. What if I let him in, and he is married or has a girlfriend? I just can't take it."

"Kam honey, I'm not saying rush into anything with him. That man has got the hots for you, girly. Just think about it, okay?"

"Okay, T. Thanks for the chat. And, can you stay over at my house the rest of the weekend?"

"Of course."


Kamea's POV

The rest of the weekend went by fast. We ordered takeout food - Chinese, Italian, and Indian, and we even ordered Hawaiian from my dad's restaurant. We made sure that they were low-carb dishes and safe for me to eat because of my diabetes. We invited my sister over too.

My dad owns his own restaurant called Palu's Cuisine. My dad wanted to bring Hawaiian dishes to the States, so he opened his restaurant. We also have a traditional Hawaiian Luau. And, as a family, we perform Hawaiian dances.

Tam, Noeli, and I watched television all day. They both made sure we did not watch anything romantic, and I thanked them for that. Tamia has really been there for me over the past year since the breakup. I couldn't have asked for a better friend. I thank her all the time for her support.


Monday morning

Ugh, I don't feel like going to work today. This past weekend was one of the worse. Hearing that Courtney and Reed are engaged hurts the most. But again, I will not be anyone's sex object.

I love my job as a Dietitian and enjoy helping people make the right eating choices. So, let me prepare myself for today.

"Showered, brushed my teeth, and now let me get dressed."

I wore a black pants suit, a red blouse, and comfortable shoes. Then, I made my way for some breakfast.

"After breakfast, Tamia and I left for the hospital. It wasn't a long drive for us - about 20 minutes.

Tam works as a medical assistant at the same hospital as I do. I heard my supervisor calling my name as I went to unlock the door to my office.

"Kamea, can you take on a new patient? Sorry to ask you at the last minute."

"Of course, I can. What is the patient's name?"

"Here is his folder. His name is Cristiano Fiore. He is in room 2468."

"Thanks. I'll sign on my computer and head to his room."

"Thanks, Kamea. You are awesome."

So, I opened my door, turned on the lights, and turned on my computer. I input the patient's information into my system and jotted down a few notes. He was just diagnosed as having type 2 diabetes. So, it is my job to help the patient eat right. As I left my office, I grabbed some brochures to give not only to the patient but his family also.

I approached the patient's room and opened the door. As I started talking, I did not look up and see the patient. When I did look up, he had the biggest smirk I had ever seen.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Dr. Kamea Palu. I am one of the Dietitians for the hospital, and I am here to discuss alternatives to eating healthily. Cristiano Fio..................."

"You're in the hospital?"


Thank you all for taking the time to read chapter four.

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