"Boys!! Stop! If I have to stop the car and make you both stop pushing each other I will!! you both will end up in the corner when we get him if you keep this up!" he yells

They stop and sit quietly while Zayn cheers because they got in trouble! Harry gives him a look as well making him stop.

"Don't push it Zayn! you're going to make them feel bad!" Harry says

Zayn nods and pouts

"Sorry, Papa." Zayn mumbles.

Harry nods and keeps driving. I find it very sexy when he's dominate it's something I like to watch. We finally get to the store and we all climb out of the car to walk into the store. Harry instantly grabs Louis and puts him in the cart while Liam holds my hand. Louis is like a switch when it comes to stores. He flips the switch on and goes crazy grabbing all kinds of stuff, screaming, throwing tantrums and a lot more so to be safe and keep that switch off we put him in the cart. Liam is completely opposite from Louis. Liam is calm and just does as he's told .... most of the time... But he is a kid after all so it's normal. We go to the baby aisle and pick out little dresses, shoes, pants,beanies, shirts, sweaters,socks, bibs, bottles, cribs, nappies, onesies, baby shampoo, and everything else we will need. It takes us about an hour and a half to finish but off course we can't leave without getting all of the rest of our kids something. Zayn grabs paper and color pencils  for his drawings, Liam gets music, and Louis gets a karaoke for 'Everyone' to share.. What a sweetheart. 

"Louis! put that down!" I say as Harry puts all the stuff on table for the cashier to scan.

"But, Daddyyyy!" he whines.

"No! no candy! put it down right now!"

"Ummm... No!" he says trying to be sassy.

"How about yes!" I say and snatch the candy from his hands and putting it back.

3.....2.....1.... BOOM!

"Ahhh! daddy! give me! please! daddy! p-please!" He yells throwing a tantrum hitting the cart.

I ignore him and wait for Harry to finish. Soon Harry pays for everything and we leave the store with a screaming and crying Louis.

"Noo! Papa! go back! we needdd! t-to g-get c-candy!" he screams and hiccups.

"No, baby, daddy said no so you can't have it and you need to stop right now before I put you in time-out when we get home." Harry says sternly.

We get everything in the car and have Liam and Zayn get in. Harry goes to grab Louis only to have Louis kick and hit while screaming. Harry just carefully takes him to the car not wanting to drop even if Louis was making it hard to hold him. We all get in the car and drive home.When we get home Louis has calmed down a bit and I carry him inside with Liam following behind me while Zayn and Harry bring the bags in. I go to the couch and sit down with Louis on my lap while Liam goes and plays with toys.

"I don't like the way you were acting in the store. I told you that you couldn't have the candy. so, throwing a tantrum was useless. you hit Papa when he was picking you up. that wasn't nice. I'm very upset with you Louis."

He attaches himself to my body holding me tightly while I hold him.

"I'm sorry daddy.."

It's hard to stay mad at Louis when you see his little face. You can clearly see how sorry he his for his actions but he needs to understand they're not okay.

"I know baby... I know... but you still have to go in time-out.. after that you have to go say sorry to Papa... okay my baby?"

"Yes daddy.. I'm still sorry." he says and kisses my cheek.

I hold him tightly then have him go sit in the corner. It had been a long day and I could feel myself ready to sleep even with Darcy kicking. I fall asleep on the couch and later on feel my body being lifted.I open my eyes sleepy to see the house dark and Harry carrying me upstairs. He opens the door to our room and lays me on the bed. He strips my clothes off until I'm in my boxers and dos the same with himself tiredly removing his clothes. He lays in bed and kiss my forehead and I could hear his soft snores soon after. I fall asleep snuggled into his chest thinking of my hectic family.

HI!!! Also, just ignore Louis I seriously don't want comments about his age. Kids throw tantrums no matter how old they are and they do it over anything. I wanted to give you guys an update soon so here you go! there was fluff and a little Louis moment. It is now 12:13 am and I am ready to sleep!!!  I hope you guys like it! please!! please COMMENT !! I want to read all of your comments!!!  I love you all!! ~ PUNK NIALLER



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