Chapter Thirty-three

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It's been about a week since my deadbeat Father showed up at the house. No one has really spoken on or about it. I had other things to worry about at the moment, more important things. 

"God, He looks just like YB"Mo said as she held Jamir. I included Mo as much as possible, She helped me pick out his name...

"He helped make him"I chuckled, continuing to fold clothes. 

"Whatchu gon' do when he gets out?"She asked. I honestly hadn't given much thought to it. I haven't seen him in nearly a year. I sort of avoided the thought of it. I honestly don't know what will happen when I see him again. He hurt me so deep. I don't know how or even if I can get over it. We'll definitely never be like we were again. But we do have a son together, And I want Jamir to have a Father, I never did...

"I don't know"I shrugged. "Haven't given much thought to it to be honest"I said, Standing. I began to put the clothes away. 

"J, He's getting out Monday"She revealed. I turned abruptly.

"That's next week"I said, I was in total shock. 

"Apparently, another lawyer pulled some strings and got him out"-I was still in disbelief. 

"When did you find out?"I asked curiously. She hesitated which made me nervous. "Mo" I said, Getting closer to her. 

"Last Friday"She answered, Focusing on Jamir whom laid in her lap. Is she serious?

"You've known for that long? How come you didn't tell me?"I was starting to get angry.

"B'cause I knew how you felt about the situation. And after yo' Dad showed up, I didn't wanna overwhelm you"She spoke. I understood, It was nice, I guess. But I still think she could've told me. What I think doesn't matter though, because I know now. Wow...

"Okay"I sighed, sitting down. Attempting to take it all in. It wasn't working though. 

"It's gon' be 'aight J, I'll go wit' you of it makes you feel better"-

"Go where?"-

"T-pick'em up, Are you not gonna go?"- Oh...

"No"I answered quickly. "If he wants to see Jamir, He'll come see'em"-I said, Being stubborn.

"C'mon Jaila, Don't be like'at"-

"Don't tell me what to do Mo, If he really feels like it's important, he'll make the effort"

"You can't keep his son from'em"-

"I'm not! He can come see him"I said, It was beginning to hit me. How real this situation is. I can't just end it. I can't run from my problems anymore. Everything I do, Every decision I make, affects not only me, But Jamir. I felt stupid for thinking things would stay pure. It's more complicated now, I have to face the music...Even if I don't want to.

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