Chapter Five

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I stood there, There were two guys, But I only seen one from the house I'd just left. The one in the passenger side got out.

"I said I'd find my way" I snapped. I was frustrated, Annoyed and sick...

"You'on know no way"-

"Why are you here? What do you want?"-

" Look lil' girl, I seen how sick you was, An' I ain't like the idea of somebody like you bein' outchea by yo'self. I'm tryna help yo' nasty havin' attitude a"-

"C'mon Jr, She'on want no help, Let'a  go by ha'self" The driver spoke. Even though his remark was intended rude, I thought it'd cause him to leave me alone.

"C'mon, Get in the car" Jr, Said. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know where they live" I said, Crossing my arms across my chest.

"I do, An' I'll take you" He proposed. I thought about it for a second...I knew I'd never get back, My Mom was probably already worried. Justin was probably planning my funeral...

"Fine" I agreed. I got into the car...

"You hard-headed, So I doubt you'll listen, But if you wanna make it outchea, You can't have'at stank attitude you got sis. There ain't many people who gon' be nice. You should appreciate the ones that are"He spoke to me. God, He sounded like a Dad, Or Justin, Neither of which did I want to be bothered with.

As I sat, I began to recognize the houses, The car came to a stop at the corner of where the house was.

" 'Aight, We here"Jr spoke. Without a word, I got out of the car and walked toward the house. The porch light was on, I don't know if that was normal, But I knew my Mom and Justin would probably be waiting up for me.

As I got to the front door, Justin greeted me.

"Jaila Nicole Smith, Where you been?" He asked, His tone not very friendly. I think it was safe to assume that he was angry. I didn't say anything. My Mom and Teresa sat on the couch.

I tried to walk, But Justin grabbed my arm, Pulling me roughly.

"I thought I told you t'stay wit' Natalya?!?! I been callin' and textin' you f'hours"-

" Get off'a me!"I snapped, Ripping my arm away from him.

"Justin!" My Mom spoke, Stopping him from coming after me. As soon as I got free, I took off toward natalya's room. I didn't want to see her, But I didn't want to deal with Justin and my Mom either.

I entered the bedroom, Natalya wasn't in there, Thank God. I wasn't sleeping in this room tonight, I went to my bag which sat on the floor. It was open, I didn't have a lot of stuff in there, But some of my money was gone. It wasn't much, Maybe fifty, But I knew who'd done it.

I waited until I heard everyone go to bed before I took my blanket/bag to the living room. I got comfortable and slept on the couch.

- - -

I woke up to somebody poking me.

"Jaila" The familiar voice spoke. I groaned, Looking up, I saw none other than Natalya. She's lucky I didn't punch her in the throat.

"Leave me alone" I said coldly, Turning over.

"I just wanted t'say sorry for what happened at the party"-

" Whatever "I said, Getting comfortable again, Facing away from her. She sighed, I heard her walk away. I didn't like sleeping in the same room with her, And I definitely didn't like sleeping in the same house as her. I ended up falling back to sleep.

I didn't sleep long though, I woke up at four, And couldn't go back to sleep. I played on my phone until I heard other people start waking up. Teresa and my Mom left at around ten, I wasn't sure where and I didn't care either. After they left, I took a shower and got dressed

 After they left, I took a shower and got dressed

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As I came out of the bathroom, Justin met me. I tried to get passed me, But he stopped me in my tracks.

" What you got on?"He asked, Looking at my outfit.

"Clothes" I answered simply.

"Where they at?"He spoke. I rolled my eyes and walked around him.

" Don't be out all night again!" He hollered after me. I wasn't really planning on it...

I left, Pulling my phone out of my purse as I got onto the street. I had no idea where I was going, But I figured I could find my way back home. And if I stay by myself, I won't get in trouble...

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