Chapter Thirty

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I'm currently eight months and some weeks pregnant and I'm literally so excited to finally meet the baby that's been growing inside of me.

The hardest part of being pregnant is probably not having my son's Father with me. I always dreamed of getting married and being pregnant. Going through it all with the person I love. But somehow, As weird as it may seem, It's not the way I envisioned it, But I wouldn't change anything. My family, Mo and Trell's brothers help as well, Not just financially, but emotionally. Having them there is great. But sometimes it just reminds me that Kentrell's not here. I asked all of Trell's crew not to update him as far as me and his son go, but I doubt they'd listen. They're just being real and doing what they'd want Trell to do if the roles were reverse.

"Mom!"I hollered, I groaned as I rolled over, Sitting up in my bed. 

"What baby?"My Mom spoke, Coming into my bedroom.

"Me, and Mo are going to the mall"I told her. She nodded, accepting the information. She assisted me to stand. I went in the bathroom and took a shower before changing ( the outfit is in the mm )


"OOO, Mama Jaila lookin' spicy"Mo smirked as I came out of the house. I sighed, but couldn't help smile. I rubbed my hand across my round belly as I sat down in the car. I've been feeling him move more and more throughout the pregnancy. At night when I can't sleep,  i'll rub my stomach and I can feel him snuggle close to where i'm rubbing. It's crazy how much you appreciate life once it grows inside you.

Mo and I decided to eat before we began to shop. She had Subway and I had Chick-fil-a. Once we finished eating, we began to shop. My Mom gave me some spending money, so we definitely weren't broke. A few hours past, And I was starting to feel fatigued. My feet began to swell up as well. So we decided to call it a day and head home. On the way out of the mall, I started to feel funny. It felt like gas, but at the same time, it didn't. Then I thought maybe it was the food i'd eaten. We finally got to the car after forever. 

I attempted to sit down and felt a sharp pain up and down my back. I groaned loudly, But when I tried to stand up straight, I felt more pain, So I was stuck in an awkward bent over position. I gripped my belly as I leaned, Hoping to relieve some of the pressure-it didn't work.

"Jaila, What's wrong?"Mo asked, finally noticing me. 

"I don't know"I said, thoughts began running through my mind. I had no idea what was wrong.

"What happened?"-

"I tried to get in the car...My back hurts"-I gripped her arm. She was just as scared as I was. 

"We gotta get you to the hospital"She spoke, Normally i'd protest, But I was more than eager this time...

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