Chapter Two

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DeMarco ended up taking me out to eat, To my favorite restaurant, After that, We went back to his house to chill...

"Stooop!" I whined, Pulling him close to me as he tried to move.

"I'ma jus' go get sum t'eat"-

" You got sum t'eat"I said, With my eyes closed.

"C'mon baby, Please, I gotta go t'the bathroom"-

" You hungry or you gotta pee? Which one? There you go wit' that lyin' I jus' want you t'lay wit' me, So I can forget about everything else"I said, Mugging him.

"Ain't you leavin' soon?"-

" No"I lied, But he knew I was lying. "Please, Jus' a little longer, Then you can take me home" I bargained. He took the deal...
We laid together for like, Twenty more minutes.

"I wanna take some stuff t'remember you" I smiled, Opening the door to his closet.

"We ain't breakin' up. I'ma come down'ere t'see you" He smiled.

"So? I'm still takin' stuff" I shrugged. I know he said we're not breaking up, But with us being so far away from each other, I can't expect him not to move on. I mean, He's got hoes now, So I know once I leave it won't be long...I think he thinks by staying together, It's helping me, Keeping me from being upset or whatever, Or he's just acting all lovey dovey to keep me from other dudes. I don't know, It doesn't matter either.

DeMarco is my first real boyfriend. So getting over him will definitely take some time. For him? It probably won't even last. He'll have another girl by the end of the month. Knowing this, Probably makes me look stupid for being with him, Especially since I knew how he was before. But he's different with me...I think.

"Okay, I'm ready" I smiled. I only had a few things, Half of what I had was stuff I'd left over his house. I only took a couple things that were his.

Minutes later, He was pulling up to my house. I got out, Slinging the bag of clothes over my shoulder. He came around to my side of the car. Stopping me, He gripped my hips and leaned in, Kissing me. The kiss lasted longer than it usually did, I mean, It was okay, Given the circumstances.

"You betta call and text me, 'Cause when I get down'ere, I'ma tear you up" He smirked. I nodded, Smiling up at him. He wasn't a lot taller than me though. I started to walk away, But he gripped my wrist and pulled me back. "I love you"He smiled.

" I love you too"I said before pecking his lips. I don't know if he meant it, I don't know if I meant it...

He watched me walk up to the front of my house. My brother opened the door, I waved to Marco before entering. Justin gave me a dirty look, But I disregarded it.

"La-La!" A small voice squealed. Ny- Who's full name is Anaya- Ran and jumped into my arms.

"Hi baby" I said, Kissing her cheek.

"Don't kiss my daughter wit' the same lips you was kissin'at lil' boy wit' " Justin said, Trying to make himself relevant. I rolled my eyes and kissed her again, Making sure he seen me.

"Where's Mom?"I asked, Putting Ny down.

"Upstairs" He answered. "Aye, Don't go nowhere else, We leavin' in about a half an hour" He said as I walked up the stairs. I nodded, I wasn't necessarily planning on going anywhere else. But him saying that makes me want to go out again. My defiance...

Finally getting upstairs, I peered into my Mother's bedroom, Where I'd slept, Cried, and laid countless nights. My Mom and I's relationship has changed as well. None of us are as close as we should be, Or used to be, But it is what it is.

I continued into Justin's room, It was weird seeing everything gone. All empty, The house looked a lot bigger. I finally found her in Anaya's room. It was the baby room. It had been both mine and Justin's nursery, And now it had been Ny's. It suddenly dawned on me, The fact that this house, This, Where we are now is all that she's ever known...

A light sniffle disrupted my thoughts. My Mom turned around and slightly jumped, She looked surprised to see me.

"Ah, Jaila, Oh. I was just taking one last tour" She smiled. My Mom is Beautiful, But behind those eyes are a lot of pain and heartache, and she'd never say so, But regret. My Mom got pregnant with Justin when she was eighteen. She had dreams of becoming a Model, And as Beautiful as she is, She could've been. But she knew it wasn't able at that point. She started going to a community college to get her nursing degree. Because my Dad had skipped out on her after he got her pregnant, She was tight on money and had to live with my abuelita, She went to school during the day, and worked during the night.

One night when she was coming home from work, She was attacked. Justin was born two and a half months early. My Mom has a scar on her arm from where her attacker cut her. There's not a lot more to my Mom, She's always been a fighter. My Dad, I don't really know him, It seems like he was only with my Mom long enough to get her pregnant again. I will forever admire my Mom for the strength she possesses.

"Los grandes agaurda" She smiled, Quoting my late Grandmother. "You ready t'go?" She asked. I nodded yes. Before long, We were on our way.

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