"I don't like him because he stole Holly away from me and if he didn't do that I wouldn't have you and Cleo. You don't like him because." I trailed off.

"I just don't." He said and bit into his pizza. I rolled my eyes and smirked. I'm starting to think he likes Cleo.

His eyes popped open and I looked around to see what he was looking at. Cleo and her stupid boyfriend, Brody were walking to our table. I groaned and turned back around. If I have to see this guy one more time, I'll scream.

"Hey guys." Cleo squealed as she sat down next to me with her boyfriend next to Charles.

"Hey." We mumbled and looked at each other.

"We're going to be late for class today so just-"

"We aren't covering for you guys." I bluntly said with a wave of my fry.

"C'mon, it'll be quick!" Brody pleaded and we both glared at him and went back to eating.

"Brody we don't know nor like you, therefore we won't do any favors for you on any terms." Charles said harshly and Cleo slammed her tray on the table getting multiple stares from other tables.          

"If my boyfriend isn't wanted here then I won't be either. Let's go, Brody." She demanded as she stomped away. Brody got up slowly before he went to comfort his girlfriend.

"Dramatic much?" I asked Charles who nodded his head.

The bell had rung, signaling class time. I groaned and slinged my bag over my back. Charles mimicked my actions. We threw away the food we didn't eat and placed the trays back to where they were meant to be.

Slowly we walked to our class. As soon as we stepped in our teacher Miss Gray, forced us to look for Cleo and Brody. I just wanted to chop all her fat off. It wasn't my fault that Cleo was being dramatic with her stupid boyfriend.

I didn't really have anything on him bad to say. I mean he was attractive, football player, rich and well, yeah. But, to the fact that he stole my used to be best friend, I hated him. Petty, you might say? Yes, I'm very good at holding grudges but, Cleo was better.

"We checked everywhere." Charles groaned and slumped down in the chair.

"No, we didn't check the field." I said as I sat up and sprinted out of the chair to the football field.

On the way to the football field I forced Charles to give me a piggy back ride. Being the loving bestfriend he was, he had me riding on his back. Whilst we looked for our next half, Cleo.

Suddenly, I felt my butt hit the floor. I got up and dusted my butt off and followed Charles gaze. It had landed on Cleo and Brody. They were on the bleachers with his hand in her pants. She didn't even try to silence her moans. At this point I was disgusted.

"Um, horny teenagers we have class and Miss Gray forced us to come get you guys. So pull up your pants and let's go to class!" Charles shouted and they pulled apart. He whispered something to her before she giggled and nodded.

I stalked off to the class with Charles and we took our seats. Cleo and Brody shortly came in after us, taking their seats infront of us.

"Now that you guys arrived, you will be in a group of four and you'll write four essays. About why teenagers shouldn't have sex. Stating reasons and questions. This will dued in a month then next month you'll be in a group of two people, answering questions about each other. I'll call off the people in two first but, you'll pick who you want in your group of four." She said as she read the paper and cleared her throat.

"Liv and Brody you will be working together for the project." Miss Gray said and I groaned. This is my worst day ever!

"Cleo and Charles you will be woring together and for the group of four you'll also be together because you are the only four that are left." She said as the bell rung. I rolled my eyes and walked over to Charles.

"Your place or mines?" I asked and he said his place. We both needed sex right now depending on our day.                                                      

We both laid down on the bed panting.

My phone began to ring and I sighed. Charles was still kissing on my neck, I moaned and tried to push him off of me but, I guess he was stressed.

"Hello?" I asked pushing the phone to my ear and slightly moaning.

"What's that?" A female voice asked and I knew it was Cleo.

"Cleo why did you call?" I asked as I arched my back.

"Well, we have to meet up for this four group project." She said and I could tell she was rolling her eye.

"We'll come by your house." I said and hung up the phone.

I connecting my lips with Charles and he cupped my face. I slowly pulled away and smirked.

"We're going by Cleo's house for this project." I said as I slipped my underwear and bra on. I looked around for my shirt and pants and found it by the chair.

Sometimes I wonder if the only reason why we have sex is because we both can't get anyone. I'll have to ask him if he likes Cleo because he acts so weird around her.

We sat in the car listening to music and driving to Cleo's house. I wasn't really looking forward to see her after what happened today.

Charles came to a stop and parked in Cleo's driveway. I looked and saw Brody's BMW and mumbled some curse words under my breath. I was getting really tired of having to see his face.

I walked to the door and knocked on it for a few seconds before the door swung open revealing a smug Brody. I wanted to slap it off of his face. Instead of doing that I pushed him to the side and walked inside. Cleo sat on the couch with her phone in her hand. I walked over to her and she handed Charles and I a paper with a pen.

My phone had beeped indicating that I got a message.

Charles: I've been meaning to tell you, I found this girl and she actually goes to our school. Do you remember Rachel? 

Liv: Yeah, she's cute. A nice tan, curly dirty blonde hair and a nice body? Go, ahead. Don't try to make Cleo too jealous ;)

Charles: This is not about Cleo, I just need to stop fucking my bestfriend and get a girlfriend. You should get a boyfriend, too. Let's stop texting because Cleo's watching.. 

I looked up and saw Cleo watching like Charles said so, I began writing my essay.

Outfit on the side >>

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