"Hey baby." Kenny said wrapping his arms around Toni's waist.

She jumped out his arms and sighed placing her hand over her heart.

"I thought you were someone else." She said before she pecked his cheek. "Hey baby." She smiled.

"Someone else? Like who?" Kenny questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"I don't know-" he cut her off by handing her a silver medium sized box. "A little gift for the one I love." He grinned.

She looked at him skeptically and unsure as she opened the box revealing a 6 carat diamond necklace.

"Ken." She started.

"Happy anniversary baby!" He shouted excitedly, immediately causing her to frown.

"Today's our anniversary?" Toni asked before placing her hand over her mouth. "You forgot? Uh. Usually you're the first person to remember." Kenny said as he looked at her with confusion evident on his face.

"I'm sorry baby... I've just-"

"It's okay. It's the first time it ever happened. I'm not angry." He smiled, "as long as you just make it up to me. You know what I mean." He seductively said raising his eyebrows suspiciously.

Toni chuckled weakly before her eyes landed on the diamond necklace once again.

"Is this the reason why you said you were gonna be working late?" Toni asked looking up at him again.

"Yup. I've been done with Ushers album for awhile now." He chuckled to himself. "See there. If you look closely you can see that I got your names encraved on the outer banks." Kenny smiled pointing at the tiny print in the middle of the necklace.

"Toni Michele Braxton Edmonds." He smiled kissing her cheek.

She nodded her head as she swallowed her saliva this made her feel even more guilty.

"Seventy thousand dollars spent well. Although I know you're worth way more than that." Kenny said. "I love you Toni." He added. "I love you to Ken." She said.

"How much?" He raised his eyebrows.

She smiled leaning in to kiss his lips.

"How was work though?" She asked changing the topic. "That was a dry kiss, I want a real one." Kenny said tapping his lips.

Toni chuckled leaning in to kiss him full on. Kenny tightened his grip around her pulling her closer to him. She smiled against his lips while he caressed her chin.

"Get a room!" Paris shouted walking in causing the two to pull apart.

Toni smiled until she noticed Zayn leaning against the door.

"Hi Zayn." Kenny said nodding his head towards Zayn. "Mr Edmonds." He smirked placing his attention on Toni.

Her face was neutral as she waved at him. Paris pulled her parents into a group hug kissing each ones cheek.

"Hi mother. Hi father." Paris smiled.

"Happy anniversary." Paris and Zayn said in unison. "Oh would you look at that, even your own daughter remembered." Kenny chuckled.

"Thank you baby." Toni smiled weakly placing a kiss on Paris cheek. "Next time I won't forget." Toni said.

"If there is even a next time." Zayn mumbled, caressing his chin as he watched Toni intently.

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