Too much pain

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(Yn) pov*

We got back at like 7 am and its snowing a lot, i turn the heat up yet is still freezing. "!Ahhh my god!" I curl into a ball lying on the floor, cooper licks my face as i pet him, that stomach pain felt like being stabbed, maybe it was the cocktails i drank last night. There was something going on today so the show was delayed, now they'll start taping at 8 pm, i thought it was stupid but im back to directing the games so i better behave. Running down to 30 rock with this snow felt oddly calming, i take two pain killers as i go up to by office, the pain went away instantly "thank god its gone" i sigh spinning on my chair. "(Yn), mad lib theater will be tonight's activity" the intercome said, "yes ok" i jump out my office crashing with higgins "its good to have you back", "thanks h, great to be back" i walked with him to the stage. Everything was nicely Christmas decorated "wow they did a great job".

I few minutes later jimmy arrived and asked the staff to play quiplash in his office, finally something to kill time. The intern took his phone and went live on Instagram, "i dont even know how to play quiplash", "don't worry babe I'll walk you threw it" everyone stared in awe at me as he turned to the phone again. I dont know why but every time they screamed i felt dizzy, Jimmy said goodbye as to the cam as we finished "the guest arrived lets get ready" higgins yells. Jimmy twirls himself towards me kissing my lips softly "hasn't anyone said your weird" i wrap my arms around his neck, "all the time my love" he yawns so widely i thought he would swallow me whole "jimmy you're lack of sleep is getting out of control, you look like zombie", "hahaa that was really good, but i need to do this" he yawns again, "promise me that when you're finished you'll go straight home" i rubbed his cheek, he actually dropped his head for a second "im up im up, but ok I'll go home after this". I hug his head before i gag "uh (yn) are you ok" he lifts my chin "maybe you should go home", "no im fine-" i gag again vomiting a little, he holds me close placing his hand on my forehead "wow (yn) you're boiling- im taking you home now", i nod holding on to him.

He accompanied me all the way to my apartment, i sat on the couch as he placed a blacket over me "i have to go babe but if it gets worse call me" he pecks my nose giving me chills. "Cooper watch her closely" he pets his belly before he placed him next to me. After he left i felt normal again, i think im gonna die. (bn) has the night shift so i guess im alone until morning. My phone rings, finally he calls.

(D)= hiya (yn) sorry i hung up on you yesterday.

(Yn)=hmmm ok dad i forgive you but next time make sure the phone is blocked.

(D)= ok got it, why aren't you working?

(Yn)= i felt a little sick so jimmy took me home, i dont want to talk about it!!


(Yn)= dad im sorry for raising my voice...I've been really moody lately and i dont know what's wrong, i think im having panic attacks again.

My voice cracks up.

(D)=oh no....(yn) remember, just stay calm.

(Yn)= im a bit freaked out but I'll be fine, when are you coming back?

(D)=next the latest. I know you're going to be fine but stay calm love you.

(Yn)= ok love you too goodbye.

Now im anxious for bringing this panic thing back to him, he took it so calmly since this has happened when i was young, oddly all this has been happening since the academy awards.

(Jimmys) pov*

I felt really bad for (yn), she was happy then suddenly got sick and she has been like this for a few months, i had a thought that she might be pregnant but according to her the test was negative. Only a few minutes to start taping, my new assistant Emma rubbed some makeup under my eyes so the exhaustion wouldn't be that noticeable but it still showed a little. "Im sorry but i can't put more it will give it away", "its hold on to this and only answer if its (yn) ok" i pass her my phone "yes mr. Fallon", "feel free to call me jimmy" she nods and walk to the off. I get on with the show on hashtags and thank you notes, after the mad lib theater with dakota johnson i look at emma and she is speaking on the phone. "Comercial break" i sprinted to her and she passed it to me "its me, are you hurt?" I ask quickly, she giggles a little "no im ok, i was going to bed so i thought I'd let you know", "are you sure you're alright cause when i crash on my bed I'll be in a coma", she paused for second "yeah its ok go rest and I'll see ya tomorrow hun" she yawns before hanging up.

"Ok then" i placed the phone in my pocket "thanks pal" i give her a quick hug before taking the stage again. When i finished i got my stuff and made my way to the elevator "wait jimmy aren't you gonna edit the episode?" Higgins asks, "nahh do what you want im leaving", "so can we ad some bloopers to the taping?" Miles crosses his fingers, i sigh and went with it "yeah yeah sure". They left to the graphics design office i a rush, great now there gonna put all the bloopers..........ehh im to tired to even do something about it. I got home and there was a wall of snow blocking the driveway "are you serious, its a horrible time for a blizzard" i whine getting out shoving all the snow out.
Entering my house i turn the heat to 70 F° "gary c'mon" she runs up the stairs and jumps in my bed "hey hey you have your own bed" i snap my fingers as she slowly walks to her's. i place my cel in the nightstand and got ready for bed. I just hope (yn) is really ok, i have a have a feeling something bad gonna happen.

(Yn) pov*

"Ouuuu" i jump awake with a sharp pain in my lower back and abdomen "oh god it hurts so muuch" i toss and turn trying to ease the pain but it got worse. I froze when i felt the bed was wet, switching on the lamp which lit the entire bedroom i look at my legs and there soked in blood. I tried to get up but i couldn't move at all, starting to freak out i reach for my phone and dialed jimmys number, he didn't answer so i tried again but nothing, "c'mon james pick up the phone!!" I yell, then i hear him sleepily answer, "hel-", "jimmy!!! Help! It hurts and i cant move" i practically screamed, "please hurry", "alright I'll be there in a few minutes just hold on" he hangs up. I wipe my sweating forehead as another sharp pain kicked in making me grip on the sheets. Exacly 30 minutes passed and the door barged open "(yn) im here, whats going on" jimmy runs to my bed side, "im in so much pain ahhh" he sees all the blood between my legs and tries to pull my shorts down.

I quickly grab his wrist "what are you doing?", "(yn) i need to see why you're bleeding........down there so i can help you", i nervously nodded and he continued to pull them down. "Holy shit!!" He backs away hitting the wall "what what is it?" I cry, all i can see is pure shock and terror in his eyes.




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