your hosting what!!!

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(Jimmys) pov*

"Yes of course I'll do it im honored, ok see ya then" i hung up, o man i have to tell everyone tonight. *Ding* i picked up, text message from justin Timberlake.

JT=hey bro did you get the news ?

JF= yeah pal i cant wait, they told me rehearsal is tomorrow.

JT=yeah im traveling tonight to reharse in the recording studios in Brooklyn then we'll fly Friday night

JF= awesome guess I'll see u tomorrow then.

JT=cool then syl bro. Bring a partner to the ceremony.

Ahhh i dont know who to bring as my partner eh I'll worry about that later now im gonna pack my stuff.

(Yn) pov*

Im talking with higgins, the roots and miles on the stage "yo why is jimmy always late" i ask putting my feet on his desk, "he lives in the Hamptons so its far" questlove said making music.
"Ok well lets pretend im jimmy" everyone nodded "so how did y'all get this job" i mimicked jimmy, "hahaha well were are snl cast members for a long time and with that experience we got here" higgins answered, miles and the roots screamed like the audience and i fake laughed "(yn) thats his normal laugh" questlove whispered "but he fake laughs sometimes right"? I ask "You know the boss will kill us if sees this" miles added wiping a tear away.

"I know i would" we all turned around to see jimmy in front of the curtains with his hands on his back.

(Jimmys) pov*

I walk down corridor 6A to the to backstage to hear (yn), miles, the roots and Higgins imitating me so i quickly turn on my recorder and place it on my pocket.
I hear laughing and it kinda sounds fake "i dont sound like that do i"? I say to myself then i hear miles "the boss will kill us if he sees us like this"
"I know i would" i walked out and they turned around surprised.

"This was all (yn)s idea" Higgins says pointing to her , "thanks rat" she growled , i took another step foward
"Hmm maybe she started but you all followed her steps and since the camera crew isn't here yet i wont show mercy" i said looking around
"Oh no" i hear quest whisper. "Miles and (yn) go get me coffee and higgins bring me the my paper work" i spat

"You cant boss Us around so no way"
(Yn) whined "no but im sure lorne wouldn't want to hear you goofing around on the job" i say slowly pulling the recorder out , i laughed as they looked at echother, "so chop chop (nn) the clock is ticking" i say making tick tock souds, she smiles devilishly
This isn't over fallon Im coming for you" i sat down "really looking foward to it sweetheart" i smirked.

(Miles) pov*

Me and (yn) went to get jimmys coffee in silence "wow jimmy totally nailed us" i say laughing (yn) shook her head smiling, "ya know if i where you id watch my back if you know what i mean" i elbow her, "oh stop it hes just being the 4 year old he is and oh if your going to do (bn) put tape in her mouth cause she a screamer" i chuckle blushing madly as we go to the cafe. "Relax (yn) i were taking it slow" i reasured her.


(Jimmys) pov*

The curtains open and i walk out "Hello everyone im jimmy fallon and i have exiting news ,yesterday i received a call that and im going to host the !!ACADEMY AWARDS !!!! with the one and only justin Timberlake" everyone cheers , "alright our guest tonight is jason Statham and we are going to play WATER WARS"  jason wins and uses the water cannon "ladies and gentlemen the champ jason Statham"

The cameras turn off and me and jason go backstage im only in my white shirt and tie and soking wet "jimmy cover up there might be girls  around here" jason screeches "nahh just the game director" i reply
"Oh the (ln) girl she's beatiful as hell i recomend you get her now before i do" my eyes went wide "noooo she's mine" he chuckles "my work here is done you admitted love" he grins

***1 hour later***

I get in the car and went to (yn) apartment i know it sounds creepy but i want to talk to her. I told the guy in the front desk that im here to visit and he told me what floor and door number.

(Yn) pov*

I finished talking with (bn) on the phone and got ready to go to sleep, i jump suddenly because the door bell rang who is here at 11 pm i look through the peep to see Jimmy looking at the ground "whats he doing here"? I whisper. I open the door and he quickly looks up "(yn) im sorry for making such a late visit but i need to ask you something" i tell him to come in and he nodded.

"Nice apartment (yn)" he said sitting down "so what brings you here" i ask covering myself because im in short pjs. "Dont worry (yn) i wasn't looking" i raised an eyebrow "ok i looked" he blushes "i was wondering if you want to go to L.A with me on Friday"?
"To the academy awards!!"? i shout , "yes im reharsing tomorrow with justin then we'll leave on Friday, what do you say"? He ask staring deeply in my eyes "ahhh dont make that face its to cute!!" I said shaking him "alright I'll go" i say jumping

"Yess!!!!" he says spinning me around
I covered his mouth "Shhhhh we'll wake up my neighbors" he stopped "sorry I'll better go thank you (yn) it will be fun i promise"  i walked him out the door "I'll see ya at work ok"
I say hugging him he pulls away and stares at me.. i love you (yn) i really do
I couldn't believe my ears he's saying it "i love you too jimmy" i whisper but it wasn't long before i felt his soft lips on mine and i quickly rested my hands on his shoulder as he wrapped his arms around my waist while we kissed, it was a long slow kiss wich made it even hotter, we pulled away out of breath.

"You should go or you'll never get home" i whisper in his ear "ok then we'll finish this later" he winked before he walked away i closed the door and i asked myself "did i really just kissed the guy who bullied me?"


******Thanks guys wonder what will happen in L.A*******

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