Water Day

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NOTE: ねごと Negoto meaning "Sleep talk."


"Nagisa-senpai! Let's play hide-and-seek!" the twins peaded Nagisa. Nagisa wasn't quite done messing around with Rei as he was splashing water in his face. Earlier, Rei's glasses flew off his face and into the sand, which led to buried treasure and, of course, the water stealing his glasses. Luckily, Ren was able to grab it before it was too late.

"Rin-san will be back soon, right?" asked Rei.

"Maybe~~~ Well, let's play!" Nagisa laughed. He had the three do rock, paper, scissors with him to see who would be "It". Nagisa was down on his lucky anyway-- three papers against one rock.

"Nagisa-senpai is 'It'! Nagisa-senpai is 'It'!" the twins chanted. They soon dashed off to get a head start, and Rei tried to secretly sneak past Nagisa as an escape plan. Nagisa counted from 15 while the others ran off to hide.


Rin was almost done with his exercise for today. He ended up back to where was with Makoto before he left him. He was surprised to not see him again at the same spot.

"Where the hell did he go...?" Rin muttered under his breath.

"Rin-san..!" Rei cried out from a distance. Rin turned his head and saw Rei hurriedly running towards him.


"Rin-san..! We're in the middle of a game...!"

"Out of breath already, former track star?" Rin joked. Silence fell upon the two until Nagisa's voice was heard.

"Nagisa's on his way! Rin-san, we must hide together!"

"Huh? The hell I look like?"




"Fine. Let's go." Rin led Rei to the forest before Nagisa could even reach them. Rin tried to be very quiet while deep inside the forest; constant rustling of the leaves would direct Nagisa towards victory.

Ren and Ran, on the other hand, were on the other side of the forest. Little did they know that they woulkd end up in the same place as Rei and Rin. Luckily, they wouldn't get lost by themselves. If that were to happen, who knows what would happen to Makoto who's responsible for their safety.

"Ren, this way...!" Ran signaled her brother. Ren almost tripped on a twig, but managed to dodge a couple of scars. He followed his sister while hanging on to his inner tube. After a while the inner tube grew smaller in size. Sadly, Ren had  to lose his beloved play thing in order to keep up with everyone else.


"Haru, is there something you wanted to talk about?" said Makoto, waiting patiently on the bed as Haru stood outside the room. He didn't respond for a while; he wanted peace before he could face Makoto. At last, Haru was able to go back inside and start a conversation with Makoto.

"There's something I need to tell you." Haru started.


"I read what you wrote me... I feel..."

"A bit touched?"

"... Shut u-up." Haru said, turning away from Makoto in embarrassment. Makoto laughed a little and calmed down.

"Haru, it's okay if you feel that way... I felt the same way too when I wrote it. Sadly, I didn't want to join another club..." Makoto got up from his spot and walked towards Haru.

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