He's all sleep talk

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NOTE: ねごと Negoto meaning "Sleep talk."


The clock read 2AM... Everyone was asleep at Haru's house. Nagisa and Rei slept in the livingroom, Rin slept in the guest room, and Makoto and Haru decided to sleep on the ground together to keep each other warm in Haru's room. Haru's bed was fit for one person [and the fact that Makoto's great physique made it difficult for Haru to have room to breathe.

".... Haru... you awake?" Makoto said softly. Haru's soft breathing soothed Makoto. He didn't respond for a few minutes. Makoto gave up on asking him so many questions and decided to go back to sleep.

In the livingroom, Nagisa ended up sleeping on top of Rei because of his awkward sleeping habits. Rei felt uncomfortable and tried to find another place to sleep. However, Nagisa was able to find him in his sleep, which made it difficult for Rei to get a good night's sleep.

Rin, on the other hand, slept by himself. His eyes slowly opened as he finally remembered something.

Doesn't Haru talk in his sleep? Rin thought.


Makoto was mumbling in his sleep while Haru was as still as a tree. Makoto's dream made him toss and turn as well as the usual, hold on to Haru just like old times.

"Ha... ru... No..." Makoto mumbled like a little child. Haru's eyes slowly opened as he felt his shirt being pulled by his friend. He didn't mind as he was used to Makoto doing that. Haru fell back to sleep and let Makoto hold on to him for dear life. This time, Makoto was the one who was awake. Haru was fast asleep...

"Ha.. ru?" Makoto whispered as he yawned. He turned to look at Haru and smiled.

"Se..." Haru mumbled. Makoto jumped a little in surprise and noticed Haru talking in his sleep again.

Haru's at it again... Makoto chuckled quietly to himself.

"...ex... Se..." Haru mumbled again. "Mako..."

Huh? What is he saying? Makoto thought. He hovered over Haru to listen to him sleep talk.

"Please... do me... Mako... to..." Haru said in between sighs. Makoto couldn't quite get what he just said. All he heard were his name and "do".

"I love.... Mako... Aughh... Makoto... Not.. there... Not yet... Makoto... I'm going to... No.. Makoto... Ahhh..."

No, no, no, no, no! Are you serious?! Haru, did you really just say that?! Are y-you serious?!

"I need to talk to you at 3AM... Wake... me up when you can..." The clock read 2:50 AM... Makoto was curious as to why Haru, in his sleep, asked him to wake him up at 3. Makoto didn't complain, but still wondered why Haru said all of those things. He was in between believing and not believing Haru, so he waited until 3 to see what Haru wanted to talk to him about.

It is now 3AM.... Makoto gently placed his hands on Haru's side and shook him awake. Haru slowly opened his eyes, yawning and glancing up at him.

"Makoto, what is it..?" said Haru, rubbing his eyes.

"Haha.. You told me to wake you up at 3, so I did what I was told. You were sleep talking again..."

"Oh... If I did tell you, then..."

"Haru.. What you just said... Is it true??"


"You were sleep talking about having s-s-se--"

"Seven meals worth of mackerel?"

"No! S-se... x."

"Oh, that? Um...." Haru looked down for a bit. He tried to come up with a better explanation to his sleepy nonsense. Why did he say that? What was he trying to do?

"Haru, are you...."

"Makoto. I need to tell you something." Haru said in a serious tone. He placed his hands on Makoto's shoulders and had him focus only at him.

"What is it?" said Makoto. Haru leaned toward Makoto's face and glared at him. Haru then proceeded to lightly kiss Makoto on the lips, and pushed him away as soon as he was done. Makoto's face reddened at Haru's sudden action. He had no idea why he did that, but didn't care as long as Haru didn't hurt him in any way.

"What was that for..?" said Makoto, pressing his fingers against his moist lips.

"Your mouth tasted like fish, so I had to..." Haru mumbled as he looked away from the gentle giant.

"Haha. I guess so, but why did you say those things in your sleep?"

".... I had this dream where we were watching the waterfalls together while Nagisa, Rin, and Rei were playing hide-and-seek with each other. They ended up getting lost and you and I were the only ones who knew where to go. The mountains were so spacious that anyone could easily get lost. I didn't want to go anywhere else because of that pristine waterfall. You were right there beside me and..."

"So they got lost in the mountains and you and I were the only ones together...?"

Haru kept a sleepy face wide open for  Makoto as he responded with a slow nod.

".... There was a small cave, too..." Haru began. "It was deep inside the waterfall... I could sense it."

"Huh?" went Makoto confusingly.

"It turned out to be a secret room for lost tourists. I took you to go see it, but you were too scared to even take one step inside. The room felt comfy and the lights were a bit dim. The walls were painted in ocean blue, my favorite color. There was a king-sized bed, too... The covers were designed to resemble a pool, and the pillows were in the shape of dolphins and orcas. I don't know why they were like that, but it appeared that it was calling for us to stay."

"So all this came from what you were dreaming earlier..?" Makoto said. Haru looked at Makoto with a serious expression on his face and sighed.  

"I really hate to tell you the whole story, but I'm going to anyway..." Then, Haru took in a deep breath, and dove deeper into his story....

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