The house of the Iwatobidiots

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NOTE: ねごと Negoto meaning "Sleep talk."


It was that time again. Haru's sleepover. Rin had arrived with his huge shark plushie as well as his night gear that's packed away.

"Yay!! We're all under one roof!" Nagisa cheered. Rei failed to keep the penguin boy calm as he tried to hold Nagisa down. He ended getting kicked in the face and ended up having his glasses fly across the room. Haru picked up Rei's glasses and tried them out himself. Stunned by this, Nagisa got out his phone and took a quick shot of Haru before he noticed the boy taking a pic of him.

"Oh my god, guys! Look, it's Glasses Haru-chan!!"

"He really does look good with glasses..." Makoto said as he scanned Nagisa's photo. He looked very impressed as the little grin his face continued to grow. Rin peered over Makoto's head to take a quick look.

"Oh GOD." Rin snickered.

"Nagisa, did you just take a picture of me??" Haru said in a very angry tone.

"I-I'll promise you mackerel if you let me keep it!" Nagisa begged. Suddenly, Haru calmed down, and allowed Nagisa to keep the photo because of said promise.

Is he THAT easily vulnerable towards mackerel??? Rin thought.

"Maaaan that show was hilarious," Nagisa stated at last.

"It was quite funny, indeed." Rei added.

"Yeah." Haru coughed.

"At least it killed time for us. Now what?" Makoto looked at all of his friends, trying to get an idea from them.

"I GOT ONE!" Nagisa chimed in. "How about we tell each other about our first crush?"

"Uhhh, Nagisa? Right here and now?" Rei questioned his first year buddy.

"As if I'll tell you." Rin scoffed at the idea.

"Then you go first," Haru said to Rin. Rei, Nagisa, and Makoto all agreed to have Rin go first because of what he said. Rin blushed a little and looked away.

"D-Damn you all..." Rin muttered. "FINE. YOU ALL WIN." I'll be the next one going "How about we play truth or dare?".


"... She was so cute, but she rejected me at the end of the school year." Nagisa sighed. Rei patted Nagisa on the head and chuckled a little.

"Rei-chan, you go next!"

"Eh?! Well, I...." Rei hesitated for a couple of moments. He calmed himself down and took in a deep breath.

"Back in grade school, there was this one girl in my math class who was the second smartest girl in the class. I was the first. We were great rivals and friends. However, I fell for her throughout the school year. She never noticed me, but she still took me as her friend. On Valentine's, I made batch of pi-shaped chocolates for her. She greatly accepted them, but was soon in the arms of another guy. She fell for him because of one thing: he could swim...."

The room fell silent for a while until a burst of laughter coming from Nagisa filled the entire room. Rin and Haru joined seconds later. Makoto chuckled a little, but felt bad for Rei as his heart ached at the horror of looking back.

"Aha... Rei, I'll go next to make you feel better... If I can..." Makoto assured him. Haru and Rin stopped to listen to Makoto's story of his first crush. Nagisa, however, couldn't stop laughing at Rei.

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