Pool Day

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NOTE: ねごと Negoto meaning "Sleep talk."


It's finally the last day of Haru's sleepover... Or is it?


"Haru-chan! Let's go!" said Nagisa, tugging on Haru's shirt. Haru and Nagisa were all alone, keeping an eye on the twins while the others were out to go get something. Ran and Ren were too busy looking through Rin's things, a habit which they unknowingly picked up from Nagisa.

"Where?" said Haru. Nagisa chuckled at him and got out his goggles.


"Welllllll, let's go swimming!"

".... Okay..." Haru neither nodded or shook his head. He just went with it. Odd, he'd be the one who would be the first in the pool.

"Haru-chan! Where are you going????" asked Ran, holding on to Ren's hand.


"Ahh~~~ The pool?? Can we come? Can we come????" Ran begged. Haru stared at the two for a moment and shrugged. To them, that was a yes.

"This'll be so fun!" Nagisa cheered. He grabbed Ran by the hand and spun her and Ren around in a circle.

"Come on. The water's waiting," said Haru, proceeding out the door without them.

"Ahhh~~ Wait up, Haru-chan!" the three said in unison.


"Do you think Nagisa will be okay hanging around Haru?" said Rin, taking a sip from his water bottle. Makoto smiled and looked up at the clear blue sky.

"He better be. No. I believe he'll be fine. Besides, Haru's there with them." Makoto chuckled.

"I bet Haruka-senpai's still at home... However, I have this gut feeling that he isn't..."

"What's the matter, Rei?" said Makoto. All three of them stopped in their tracks because of Rei. There was a moment of silence until Makoto's phone vibrated in his pocket.

Makoto: Hello?


Makoto: Haru, is that you?

Nagisa: Gahhhh! Mako-chan!

Makoto: Nagisa? What's going on?

Nagisa: Ahhh, it seems that we're heading to the pool right now. Haru-chan called, but gave up within .5 seconds.

Haru: *in the background* Shut up, Nagisa.

Nagisa: Hehe... Well, meet us at the pool!

Makoto: But we're already heading back to Haru's house--

Rin, growing impatient of Makoto, snatched the phone from Makoto and chatted with Nagisa instead.

Rin: Nagisa. Did you just beg Haru to take you to the pool?


Rin: Hey!

Haru: The pool was calling me, so I had to answer.

Rin: The hell what kind of answer is that?!?!

Haru: Water is alive. Leave me alone.

Rin: Ah..! Haru, listen. Water--

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