Fem! Iwatobi Chick Club

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NOTE: ねごと Negoto meaning "Sleep talk."


It was day 2 of Haru's sleepover. After that lengthy phone call, Makoto felt like an upbeat on her first date. His twin siblings, Ren and Ran, called to check on their doting big brother. They decided to come over to Haru's house to play. Makoto told Haru and the others that he'll be back soon, and left Haru to do all the dirty work.

"... As for the sperm--"

"Rei, it's been about an hour since we've started talking about this. Cut. It. Out." Rin said in an exhausting tone. He was breathing heavily and was way too tired to move on with the conversation.

"Nagisa, give me the remote." Haru said. Nagisa looked up at Haru while lying on his back and chuckled.

"That movie sure was fun, huh?" Nagisa smiled. Haru didn't respond. He just stood there, hovering above Nagisa, waiting for him to give up the remote.

"Haru, when is Makoto coming back?" asked Rin.

"Soon." Haru answered.

"Well, thanks for the answer," Rin said, sarcastically.

"What do you guys wanna watch next?" asked Nagisa. Rin looked around the room and saw nothing interesting. Rei, on the other hand, grabbed his cellphone and checked for messages. Apparently Nagisa had taken photos of Rei while in his sleep. Rei hurriedly delted them and closed his phone. Then, in came  Makoto with special guests.

"Ahhh~~~ He brought company." Nagisa looked on. Haru wasn't paying attention as he knew who Makoto would always bring over to his sleepover. Rin's eyes grew big as he watched Makoto's guests walk right in as if they were very familiar with the place. One long haired, and one short haired. The two little guests hooked arms with Makoto as they didn't want to lose sight of him.

"I'm back. I brought these two along because they were totally bored, and they miss me very much. Okay, you two. Introduce yourselves." Makoto gently pushed his little guests forward and made his way into the livingroom.

"I'm Ran!"

"And I'm Ren!"

"And we're the Tachibana twins!"

"Ahh, it's been years since I've seen these little guys around. Look at them now!" Nagisa beamed with delight. The twins looked staright at Rin, pointing fingers and eventually sticking their tongues at him. Rin looked back and gave them a weak smile in return.

"It's been a while since I've seen these squirts around. Makoto, you should let me come over more often."

"Haha. I will, Rin." Makoto laughed ever so motherly. Ren and Ran looked around the room and noticed an unfamiliar face: Rei.

"Big brother, who's that good looking nerd over there? The one with the bright red glasses??" asked Ran, pointing at Rei.

"Oh, that's our new friend. Rei Ryugazaki." Makoto smiled at his little sister. Ran looked on with amazement. She turned to her twin brother and tried to ask him something. Ren didn't want to hear what Ran had to say, and decided to hang out with Nagisa and Rin for a while. As for Haru, Ran skipped over to him and waved her hands in front of his face.

"Big brother Haru!! Do you remember me??" said Ran, still waving her hands in his face to get his attention. Haru looked up and noticed the little Tachibana. He nodded at her and moved on with his business. Ran giggled and ran over to Makoto.

"Big brother! Let's do something! We're staying over, right?"

"Makoto, don't tell you invited them to stay over, did you?" said Haru in a serious tone. Makoto looked at him innocently and shook his head. Then, it came to him.

"Haru, since you DID mention it, can they?" said Makoto. Haru sighed and gave him a slight nod. The twins gasped with excitement as they were able to hang out with their loveable big brother for a few days at Haru's house.

"Ren! Ren! You know what we should do?"

"What, what?" Ran whispered in Ren's ear. Ren perked up a little and chuckled. The twins were up to something, and it didn't look good according to Rei. Rin had a clue as to what the twins were up to, and Nagisa just went along with their plan. Makoto, however, kept an awkward smile on his face, as he knew that whenever Ran whispered something into Ren's ear, she's up to no good.


"Are you freaking kidding me...." Rin said as he struggled in his red and pink dress. Nagisa danced in his while Rei shielded his face from the "public". Makoto and Haru just went along with it since they're pretty much used to what the twins do.

"All five of you are now girls!" Ran declared with pride. She ordered them to line up against the wall so she could assign them a name. Ren came up to Ran and said, " But they already have girly names." Ran smirked a little and wrapped an arm around Ren.

"You're right, dear bro," Ran laughed. "Until night dawns upon us, you five shall act as girls! Whoever reverts back into a guy shall be beheaded!"

"Wait, what??" went Rin.

"It's okay. Ran tends to do this whenever she's around guys. She's very serious when it comes to dressing up," Makoto assured Rin.

"She sure has big words gushing out of her mouth..." Nagisa joked.

"Now, then! Go out there and act like girls!"

"Easy for Nagisa," Rin laughed.

"Dude, you looked like a girl back then and you even had your hair tied up. Even Gou-chan said that you ended up in the wrong bathroom when you had those 'last minute agendas' when you were little." Nagisa reminded shark boy of that horrible memory. Haru and Makoto began to snicker behind Rin's back as they too remembered what happened back when they were little.

"Tch. Fine." Rin grunted. He slowly walked forward in his fancy dress and almost tripped. Makoto was a bit embarrassed to walk forward, so he let Haru go for him. Nagisa and Rei watched Rin struggle for a bit until they decided that it was time to move on with the others.

"Big brother! You should come play, too!" said Ren. Makoto giggled at Ren and shook his head at him.

"I'd love to, but my legs appear to not be ready for this kind of commitment....."

"What are you saying, big brother? Let's play!" Ran ran over to Makoto and grabbed him by the hand.

That day when Ran and Ren came to stay over for the rest of the sleepover became an exciting moment for Makoto...Everyone was with him, especially Haru...

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