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I've been sitting in my room for officially 356 minutes, staring at the wall. I refuse to leave, but my bladder is exploding and my thirst increasing.

I slowly open the door, checking in the hallway for signs of danger before walking down the hall. 4 doors.

I open the first to find the bathroom, and my bladder sighs at the sight. I keep a close eye on the door as I stand and wash my hands, unlocking the door and again checking the hall. I see the other 3 doors, but I don't care to see what's behind them. I don't care to ever see because one way or another i'm getting out of here.

My ankle isn't sprained anymore, my chest doesn't burn, all that's wrong is general bruising. In a few days it will fade, and my strength will come back; and then they need to prepare. Because they've really pissed me off.

I can't go back into the room. 357 minutes of nothingness can make a person vaguely psychotic. I slowly walk down the stairs that don't creak, admiring the house. It is truly the fanciest building I've ever seen.

I look down as I descend the stairs, Harry sits on the couch, emptying and re-loading his gun. It reminds me of at camp when I used to do it before making an announcement. If I felt anxious, I would just empty and reload my gun.

He turned his head slightly, acknowledging me as I came to the last step. He looked back to his gun again, thrusting the magazine upward.

I stood awkwardly yet tall, as though I didn't notice, just behind the couch, watching him reload his gun.

"Why are you staring at me? Sit" he snaps, and although it didn't threaten me in the slightest, I still sit.

We sit in silence, the only sounds being the friction of metal. I take this time to observe the room. It is very large - extremely large, and has a wide doorway into another room. The doors are open, and inside the next room is just a large table with chairs. There's a case of flowers in the middle that look slightly uncomfortable in the dull room. The house is so simple. There's paintings and flowers, but nothing to suggest anyone lives here.

I miss the smell of home made baking at camp, when all the women would make cakes for everyone. I miss the atmosphere, everyone having a good time inside as though there was no threat on the out.

"You're going back to the amphitheatre on Friday" Harry states.

"What the hell is that?"

"The place you'll be whipped; where you were." he looks up at me from is gun, before returning to it.

"To Hell I am" I scoff.

He doesn't say anything, but I can hear the disagreement in his breath.

"What do we do here all day? I still don't understand why I'm here."

Why have they locked me in a house with him? I'm not doing anything, i'm just sitting here with the occasional death.

"Whatever you want" he mumbles carelessly.

I put my feet up on the glass table in front of me, expecting a reaction as he seemed to have slight OCD back at their territory, but he does nothing. He simply releases the magazine from the casing.

"How long will we be here?" I roll my eyes with boredom, taking my feet off the table.

He stops, and puts the gun next to him, leaning forward onto his knees.

"Do you remember a few days ago when I told you that was the questions for the month?" he patronises.
"I don't want to be here with you anymore than you do me. You think I want to live with the scum? You think I want to breathe the air you do?" his voice switches to a light growl, and I can sense the anger rising in him.

"If you don't want my air" I take my feet off the table, leaning into my knees the same way he did, "then don't take my home" I seethe.

He lets out a deep breath, as though trying to calm himself.

"I will protect my people, protect my earth. Those who try to destroy it will be annihilated." I begin to recite the Intrinsecus oath. "I fight for freedom and peace for humanity. I fight for my brothers and my sisters. I fight for their life before my own. I fight for restoration of the world we used to know. I believe in honesty and truth. I believe one day my eyes witness only the death of the war, and of not my brothers and sisters. I pray for freedom, restoration, peace, honesty and truth. I pray that one day we will unite as one and the fighting will be no more. Intrinsecus stand together, always and forever" I finish, a lump in my throat forming as I swallow it down.

Harry stares at me, as though analysing me and what I've said.

"I am here to fulfil my duty. I am here to stand for my beliefs and for my fellow soldiers. I am here to witness my beliefs spread, making their way through the ears of others and into their soulless bodies. I am here to bare witness to the creation of their soul. I am here to stand before Almighty Analithe, and to testify against those who don't. I am here for a reason, and my reason will be determined" he finishes.

We just look at each other for a while. 2 completely different species, but both with purposes.

I suppose I'm not much different to the Monsters.

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