-: Chapter Fifteen:-

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Third Person POV:

"What's up insect. How have you been.?" Barricade asks Bumblebee.

"Just Give Me Angelina! And Maybe I Won't Beat Your Ass.!!" Bumblebee replies.

"Oh be my guest! Take her..!" Barricade responds as he pushes Angelina with his foot towards Bumblebee.

"But one thing before you go.." Barricade says as he stops Angelina.

He then pulls her back towards him.

"Tell me. Why do you want the girl..?" He adds.

     Then there was silence. Barricade puts his foot above Angelina, about to squish her. Barricade then starts to count down, as he lowers his foot.

"5, 4, 3, 2"

"WAIT!!!!" Bumblebee yells.


Barricade then squishes Angelina and smiles.

"Better luck next time with your other pet.!" Barricade tells Bumblebee.

     Bumblebee falls to his knees and tears fall from his optics. He then glares at Barricade and starts shooting at him. Barricade dodges the shots.

"Wow.! Don't you have anger problems!" Barricade shouts at Bumblebee.

     But Bumblebee ignores him and keeps shooting at him. He ends up shooting a tree and catching it on fire. Soon it falls onto the house and the house catches on fire. Barricade looks at the house with a smile, but with worry in his optics.

"You stupid insect! if this is what happens when you think she is dead. What do you do when she actually is..!!??" Barricade yells at Bumblebee.

     Bumblebee freezes and runs to the house. His optics go wide. Angelina was tied to a chair, freaking out, as she got surrounded by fire. Bumblebee turns and punches Barricade in the face. He knocks him out. Then he looks for a way to get her out. There was no water in sight. He turns on his holoform and runs towards the house. I wake up and look around. I was in some random old house. I try to get up and move, but I was tied down to a chair. I tried to scream for help, but a cloth muffled my voice. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot fire and it started to spread around me. I started to panic, as the whole room was covered in fire. I don't want to die. I don't want to die!! I start crying as I look around. Parts of the floor above fall around me. Suddenly I hear the door fall down. I turn to see Bumblebee's holoform. He runs towards me, but a part of the ceiling falls in front of him. The chair falls to the side and fire crawls towards my face. I hear loud crashing noises, but I couldn't see anything. The fire was getting closer and closer. I close my eyes, as wood falls in front of my face. The fire's heat hurts my face. But suddenly I feel my wrists and ankles become free. I quickly push myself up. I turn around to be face to face with Bumblebee's holoform. He quickly gets the rag off of my mouth and grabs my hand. We run towards the door. We both hear the sound of the ceiling about to cave in. He quickly pulls me in front of him and pushes me forward, out the door. The whole house falls down, as I fall to the ground with him on top of me. I slowly open my eyes.

"Ugh." I look up and see Barricade's holo form run over.

     He runs over pushing Bumblebee off of me pulling me to his alt mode. After throwing me in. He speeds off leaving Bumblebee laying there in the dust.

"What was that all about..?" I ask.

"The Insect and I had some business, that's all squirt." He replies as we get back onto the road.

"You know... I could have died right..?" I tell him.

There was silence.

"I wouldn't let it happen. But anyways Lord Megatron wants to have a word with you immediately." He responds.

I nod and look out the window, it begins to rain.



"Calling Bumblebee. It's Optimus."

. . . . .

"I repeat, Calling Bumblebee. It's Optimus Prime."

. . . . . . .

"Bumblebee here, reporting for duty sir.!"

"Bumblebee go get the boy ready, we shall be at the planet known as Earth, tomorrow."

"Alright Optimus, I Will."

"Well, then this is Optimus Prime signing ou-..."


"Hmmm..? What Is Bumblebee..?"

"We don't hurt humans right? And we don't let Decepticons hurt them..?"

"That is correct, why did something happen?"

. . . .. . . . .. . .

"Bumblebee..? Is everything alright..?"

"Optimus... There's this femme human.. and.. and.. the Decepticons want her... I don't know why but.. they keep on taking her.. she told me she was my friend... she acts like it too.. but... I saw something today.. that just broke my spark.."

"What happened..?"

"She had... she had a.. a... Decepticon symbol on her wrist.. and it was glowing red the same with her optics/eyes....."

"When we get to Earth and get the glasses, we will go after this girl and I will have Ratchet take a look."

"Alright Optimus, see you soon."

"Bumblebee signing off."

"Optimus signing out."


I drove back to where Sam was.

I really hope she's okay and they don't hurt her anymore. 

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